[foundation-board] Cancelled Board meeting and Naomi's news

Tim Hubbard timjph at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 13:22:09 UTC 2016

Thanks Karen,
I will come to dinner.
Best wishes,

> On 6 Jul 2016, at 13:38, Karin Christiansen <karin at karinchristiansen.org> wrote:
> Hi All
> Pavel and I just discovered today that we aren't quorate for the next meeting as Helen and Jane can't come.  So Pavel and I have decided it is best to just cancel.
> It may have been this slipped through with Naomi heading off but could we request people give as much warning as possible as SMT etc all need to travel to come. to the meetings. 
> Pavel, Mark, Franka and I will all meet anyway and use the time scheduled. We will have some dinner together, and Tim, if you wanted to join for that or the meeting part you are welcome.
> We already have the most up to date financial update with the COO update - so if people have questions on that please send them through.  
> Pavel and team and I will figure out when we meet together next week if there is anything else we need to make decision on in between now and the next Board meeting.
> There are a couple of other updates that Pavel will send out around next Friday.
> New SMT appointment
> Update on Omidyar
> Draft budget for 2017 (high and low scenarios)
> On a different note, Naomi has also given birth a little early, to two little boys!  The team are making a collection and Pavel will be in touch with details on how we can join in if anyone wishes to.
> Best
> Karin
> -------- <>
> Karin Christiansen
> karin at karinchristiansen.org <mailto:karin at karinchristiansen.org>
>  07816839533
> @_karin_c
> Karin16b
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Tim Hubbard
timjph at gmail.com @timjph

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