[foundation-board] CEO update for June 2016
Pavel Richter
pavel.richter at okfn.org
Tue Jun 21 08:57:04 UTC 2016
Dear all, please find below and attached an update on important
developments here at Open Knowledge International. You can find the text as
a Google Document here
and the PDF attached includes the Finance documents referenced.
Highlights from our Projects
Our first Portfolio Manager - Stephen Abbott Pugh - has joined us, who
will be focussing on our innovative Planting the Seeds portfolio;
School of Data had a very successful Summer Camp in Brazil where 35
people from 22 countries took part. We now have 12 organisations in the
School of Data Network and discussed possible structures for setting up a
new entity to govern the network. No decision on structure has been made,
but a co-operative structure was one of the options that we will explore
In OpenSpending, we are finalising the contract for the next phase with
GIFT, where we will trial OpenSpending tooling with four national
governments. We also secured additional funding to cover the technical
development of the platform as part of the OpenBudgets.eu project;
As part of the OD4D programme we have a very strong presence and
visibility around the IODC conference which is scheduled for October in
Madrid. OKI is organising the unconference during that week and we are
contributing to the structure of the main event, working together with the
conference organisers on the programme and helping choose 'action anchors'
- people who will lead sections of the conference.
The team is finishing the project with Montrose, making extractives data
in developing countries visible and accessible;
We are continuing to work with Sweden on their national data portal;
While we have about £230K in the pipeline with potential clients, we're
experiencing unusually slow decision-making processes. To mitigate the risk
of delayed work, measures are being undertaken to reduce our committed
A new budget will be prepared in time for the next OKI Board meeting.
Viderum’s financial situation remains very tight;
Regarding transitions, we are finally moving the last (and biggest)
customer to the new infrastructure next week (week beginning 20th June),
with significant cost savings to be realized starting in July.
2015-16 Year End Accounts are close to finalisation;
The auditors (Buzzacott) are preparing the Year End Audit;
New policies are being rolled-out including a whistle-blower policy;
The new Financial Year has commenced (June to December 2016) and we are
aligning the Finance Team to be ready for, and undertake, reporting
according to the requirements of the Charity Commission;
Charitable status is pending feedback from Charity Commission, with
confirmation expected in October;
A new appraisals system has been introduced and rolled-out across the
The ongoing review of finance processes and procedures continues through
Grant management processes are being defined and more closely aligned
with other finance processes.
Please see attached the accurate Month End figures;
The year end allocations will change. This is because we are looking at
moving costs booked against unrestricted grants over to our operating
expenses, thus reducing the income from unrestricted grants (basically
freeing up unrestricted grant monies). This in turn will reduce income,
operating profit and therefore our Corporation Tax liabilities. This will
hopefully end up in a win/win situation; however, it does gives us a bit
more work yet to be done;
We are also making a full review on all active projects to ensure all
accounts are correct, and checking all prepayments and accruals for figures
either side of the Year End. Due to a number of constraints the auditors
will start work as of the 1st July 16;
Please see attached the Balance Sheet for May 2016.
FundingOmidyar Network
We have submitted the proposal for renewal funding and Omidyar have come
back to us for clarification. We are responding to their questions and
expect a smooth decision-making process with confirmation from the Panel in
mid July.
Hewlett Foundation
Again, we have submitted the proposal for renewal funding and Hewlett have
come back to us with a few points for clarification. We are responding to
their questions and expect a smooth decision-making process with
confirmation from the Panel in mid July.
Ford Foundation
We have identified Ford as a potential source of support for Open Data for
Tax Justice and will follow this up next month.
We submitted a proposal for a $100K in early May. This has been verbally
confirmed, and we are awaiting finalization next week (week beginning 20th
Other proposals we are waiting to hear from include HENCE and NextGEOSS.
StaffCurrent live vacancies
The following may be found at okfn.org/about/jobs/:
New staff
Franka Vaughan started today (15th June) as the Acting Executive
Assistant, covering Naomi’s role during her maternity leave. Naomi’s leave
starts on the 18th July and Franka is already undertaking the handover;
Stephen Abbott Pugh signed today (15th June) as Portfolio Manager for
Planting the Seeds and is expected to start on the 21st June;
Oscar Montiel joined as International Community Coordinator on the 7th
June, working with Mor to strengthen our network and social media presence;
Ben Meghreblian joined as OpenTrials Community Manager on the 29th April;
Sam Moore joined the Pasteur4OA project team on the 4th April.
None in the last two months.
Paul Walsh is joining the Leadership Team fortnightly meetings to ensure
the technical elements of projects are being included in planning, and to
offer input around the future of this crucial area of the organisation. His
status on the Leadership Team - either permanently invited or a formal
member - is being discussed by the current membership for agreement by the
Lieke Ploeger is moving from OpenGLAM Community Manager and Project
Manager to being Social Media and Communications for projects more
generally. She has started to undertake these duties although the change
has not been communicated to the wider team as yet.
Monthly calls with Chapter leads continue to go well. Oscar’s input is
helpful in encouraging and facilitating communication between OKI and Local
Groups, with Mor ensuring that the current status of the Network will be
reflected on our website as part of the general update.
The next in person meeting is on 13th July 2016 in London at Canonical.
Summer Summit is taking place in the last week of June in Berlin.
I will send the next CEO Update in the middle of August. Please do give
feedback on these reports, so that I can provide you with the information
that you require.
Kind regards
Pavel Richter
Open Knowledge International
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