[foundation-board] Theory of Change document ready

Pavel Richter pavel.richter at okfn.org
Tue Jun 21 13:43:08 UTC 2016

Dear Members of the Board,

I have just shared with staff a document called "To Empower Civil Society
Organisations to use Open Data to improve people's lives - Our road ahead
(also attached to this mail as a PDF). In this, we have summarized the
current status of the Theory of Change, as well as outlined some basics
about the portfolio approach and the impact to Open Knowledge International
as an organisation.

Applying this to our current and future work will be an important part of
the all staff summit next week here in Berlin.

I would again thank all of you for your great feedback you gave me over the
last several weeks. I am looking forward to discussing this further with
you. I see this as a living document that will change while we learn what
works and works not.

And of course I am gratefull for any further feedback you would like to
share with me on this.
Kind regards

Pavel Richter
Open Knowledge International
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