[foundation-board] Fwd: Board decision Adessium Foundation on funding application

Pavel Richter pavel.richter at okfn.org
Fri Sep 29 14:15:21 UTC 2017

Dear members of the Board,

I need to update you on a signifant development: The Adessium Foundation
just informed me that they will not continue our funding for Open Spending.

There is no way to sugarcoat this, this has significant impact on our
immediate situation, as well as our mid-term planning. And it is a major
disappointment for me personally, as I am sure it is for everyone who put a
lot of effort into this.

I will take their offer to join in a conversation to better understand
their reasons.

We will analyse the impact and the way forward in the Leadership Team and
keep you up to date.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Tamara van Strijp" <tvs at adessium.org>
Date: 29 Sep 2017 3:57 pm
Subject: Board decision Adessium Foundation on funding application
To: "Pavel Richter" <pavel.richter at okfn.org>, "Diana Krebs" <
diana.krebs at okfn.org>
Cc: "Tania Hok-Ahin" <tha at adessium.org>, "Rogier van der Weerd" <
rvdw at adessium.org>

Dear Pavel, Dear Diana,
> After receipt of the application documents we have carefully assessed the
> application documents of Open Knowledge Foundation internally by means of
> an internal discussion with our team on 19 October 2017, which served as
> input and advice for a decision by our board of directors this week.
> Unfortunately, I hereby need to inform you that our board of directors has
> rejected Open Knowledge Foundation’s application for renewal of our grant
> agreement.
> We acknowledge the significance of the issues that are addressed by your
> organization, however, Adessium Foundation receives applications from all
> over Europe, many of which fit our focus areas, and we need to make - often
> hard - choices. In the opinion of the board of directors the application
> documents do not give a thorough insight in the concrete plans, activities
> and results regarding this specific project. Further, the board of
> directors has not been convinced that the project will lead to the actual
> use of data by a wide variety of CSO’s and journalists.
> We would like to invite you for a call in which we further explain this
> decision. My colleague Tania (cc) will contact you to schedule a meeting
> with Rogier van der Weerd and myself in the week of 11 October. Given this
> decision, I kindly request you not to proceed with the application
> documentation regarding the additional funding (regarding collaboration
> with other ngo’s and journalists).
> We regret having to inform you about our decision not to explore a
> possible partnership. We would like to thank you for the efforts you made
> in drafting the proposal for renewal of our support to Open Knowledge
> Foundation. We wish Open Knowledge Foundation all the best in its core
> activities and its quest for funding.
> Best regards,
> Rogier van der Weerd
> Managing director
> &
> Tamara van Strijp
> Program Manager
> Tamara van Strijp
> Adessium Foundation
> P.O. Box 76
> 2810 AB Reeuwijk
> T: +31 182 646 100 <+31%20182%20646%20100>
> M: +31 657 915 181
> F: +31 182 646 399 <+31%20182%20646%20399>
> E: *tvs at adessium.org <tvs at adessium.org>*
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