[foundation-board] OKI Board meeting and induction next week - agenda and papers

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Jul 19 14:50:53 UTC 2018

Hi Naomi,

That's great and, for me at least, it would be super useful to have a
simple consolidated *expenditure* in GBP per month (I couldn't see this
immediately as our spend is split across 3 currencies)

Also given our non-profit nature overall cash-flow tends to be pretty lumpy
(because grants come in in blocks). Thus, when I asked for "What is our
projected cash flow / income in next 6-12m separating certain income from
probable based on pipeline (and compared to projected expenditure)" I think
we'd want this on a rough accrual basis - i.e. smoothed - if that were

Finally, the cash flow forecast has us with negative cash in November in
"Expected Cash" but Total Cash in Bank line is very positive. Not quite
sure i get the difference between these.



On 19 July 2018 at 12:46, Naomi Lillie <naomi.lillie at okfn.org> wrote:

> A second update:
> Here is an additional paper for your review, with apologies for delayed
> distribution:
> Cashflow to Dec 19
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/146x-oPZqlHK2GJZZLveclBFXGfe9vVGDYP6qN3Bi4oE/>
> Rufus, I understand this should help address some of your comments, and
> thank you for your feedback.
> Best wishes all,
> Naomi
> On 18 July 2018 at 11:48, Naomi Lillie <naomi.lillie at okfn.org> wrote:
>> A quick update:
>> The strategy paper is not yet ready for sharing so access permission has
>> been revoked. There may be an update between now and Tuesday, otherwise
>> this will be discussed at the Board meeting.
>> Best wishes,
>> Naomi
>> On 18 July 2018 at 09:12, Naomi Lillie <naomi.lillie at okfn.org> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> In preparation for next week's *Board meeting*, please see papers for
>>> review via the following links:
>>> Strategy refresh
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EMxVt0T2ooQR9Wil3Eiu2dqnuPEHv7h84KBk7gt-aH4/>
>>> Risk register
>>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17yxTx3NijEWnvafORgkhrqrlwQYs7IFs95172R4TnjU/>
>>> Finance report
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AEiHhGDj4dWA-ryQkuYCKDutLp-MlphDVb4rOsv7GE0/>
>>> Balance sheet
>>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fd3nqhdOkoP1uoqziKZ8EmJECwHozULYTO-84bH8DIs/>
>>> Profit & loss
>>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vxQ78HA_2IHK8qJnog5pSzGwM-d6SjrrvAGgkmebyWI/>
>>> Cashflow narrative
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qyx5JI_aR-EtwyKBqsz_j6IKw8q2L-jlx6-0fDBl-K0/>
>>> Funding pipeline
>>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16VfxP2eKa8-sd9OpKq8nezG7QpwG2BJXhPuIb4uX708/edit#gid=29>
>>> Delivery update
>>> <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JhSGFMTx4hRn0Zt6mVHL2o1EXfbU27QdaTfSxTzZ2z8/>
>>> Viderum update
>>> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6X9Qo8Zc8QhUS1PWGN5WG9FbEJlSll4RVRwMmhSSTZJaEh3/>
>>> CEO terms of reference
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v-etRmRSLGVgaRBxPqtgwtRGXo_bqiUEEAd3w1WBaE8/>
>>> Please note it is expected you will have read through this information
>>> before the meeting itself, in order to make the most of the discussion time
>>> together.
>>> All these documents are linked from the Board Slides
>>> <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZMIMpLuWwo2AAZw-UkPs20thBmUSwry3PV7KuLWCdqk/>,
>>> which may iterate a little between now and Tuesday. Also, there is further
>>> detail about the recently closed projects on the Opportunity update
>>> slide
>>> <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZMIMpLuWwo2AAZw-UkPs20thBmUSwry3PV7KuLWCdqk/edit#slide=id.g3d6abefad6_0_332>
>>> .
>>> Please let me know if there are any further topics to cover, or
>>> information to share.
>>> The arrangements for the *Board induction* are mostly as shared
>>> previously, as per the induction afternoon draft plan document
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ulKCSZeuqY1rwwv1vdyvzfJT0EZBSCWH1zxriIuTRmY/edit#>.
>>> If you have feedback on this (beyond 'gosh that's a lot to get through'!)
>>> then please let us know.
>>> You should have received a calendar invitation to the above, which
>>> includes the venue location as well as link for joining remotely (for Ira
>>> and Rufus). If you don't have that, please shout.
>>> If you have any questions in the meantime then I would be delighted to
>>> hear from you!
>>> Thank you,
>>> Naomi
>>> --
>>> Naomi Lillie
>>> Executive Assistant
>>> skype: n.lillie  |  @naomilillie <https://twitter.com/NaomiLillie>
>>> Open Knowledge International <http://okfn.org/>    -    See how data
>>> can change the world
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>>> Open Knowledge International Community Network | http://planet.okfn.org/
>>> | see how people are changing the world
>>> Open Knowledge is a not-for-profit organisation.  It is incorporated in
>>> England & Wales as a company limited by guarantee, with company number
>>> 05133759.  VAT Registration № GB 984404989. Registered office address: Open
>>> Knowledge International, 86 - 90 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NE, UK.
>> --
>> Naomi Lillie
>> Executive Assistant
>> skype: n.lillie  |  @naomilillie <https://twitter.com/NaomiLillie>
>> Open Knowledge International <http://okfn.org/>    -    See how data can
>> change the world
>> http://okfn.org/  |  @okfn <http://twitter.com/OKFN>  |  Facebook
>> <https://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork>  |  Blog <http://blog.okfn.org/>
>> Open Knowledge International Community Network | http://planet.okfn.org/
>> | see how people are changing the world
>> Open Knowledge is a not-for-profit organisation.  It is incorporated in
>> England & Wales as a company limited by guarantee, with company number
>> 05133759.  VAT Registration № GB 984404989. Registered office address: Open
>> Knowledge International, 86 - 90 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NE, UK.
> --
> Naomi Lillie
> Executive Assistant
> skype: n.lillie  |  @naomilillie <https://twitter.com/NaomiLillie>
> Open Knowledge International <http://okfn.org/>    -    See how data can
> change the world
> http://okfn.org/  |  @okfn <http://twitter.com/OKFN>  |  Facebook
> <https://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork>  |  Blog <http://blog.okfn.org/>
> Open Knowledge International Community Network | http://planet.okfn.org/ |
> see how people are changing the world
> Open Knowledge is a not-for-profit organisation.  It is incorporated in
> England & Wales as a company limited by guarantee, with company number
> 05133759.  VAT Registration № GB 984404989. Registered office address: Open
> Knowledge International, 86 - 90 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NE, UK.
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*Rufus Pollock - https://rufuspollock.com/ <https://rufuspollock.com/>+44
07795 176 976 | skype: rufuspollock | @rufuspollock
<https://twitter.com/rufuspollock>Founder and President, Open Knowledge
International <http://okfn.org/> - An information age that works for
everyonehttp://okfn.org/ <http://okfn.org/> | @okfn
<http://twitter.com/OKFN> | Open Knowledge on Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork> |  Blog
<http://blog.okfn.org/>Shuttleworth and Ashoka Fellow Previously Mead
Fellow in Economics at the University of Cambridge*
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