[geo-discuss] quasi-public goods
Giles Lane
giles at proboscis.org.uk
Mon Jul 25 17:02:13 UTC 2005
Dear All,
I met with Phil Watts (the head of pricing and licensing strategy in
the OS' Corporate Office) last week and we spoke at length about both
the Creative Commons-style license I proposed to them back in April
and other aspects of GIS and public good. Phil acknowledged the gap
in OS provision of data for the (as he put it) 'charity and voluntary
sector' and I gave him a crash course in the legal concepts behind
Creative Commons and reciprocity of trust in non-monetary exchanges.
Apparently the OS is now moving (albeit slowly) towards addressing
this gap and it seems we have an opportunity to engage the
strategists in the corporate office (both Phil and Dave Lovell, the
head of public affairs).
There seems to be a good understanding of the benefits this will
bring. Clearly it supports the non-profit sector and also the OS --
not only in terms of helping them understand more about what people
need from GIS, but also in helping them deliver their public service
remit. As part of our Social Tapestries work Proboscis will start a
'double-bottom line' value-chain analysis later in the year looking
at what each entity in a non profit use of free GIS data would bring
and what benefit they would receive. We think there is scope to
outline more than just benefit in kind, but demonstrable economic
(read monetary) benefits as part of this.
A big concern that the OS has is that if they are providing data for
*free* they should receive some benefit from its use. This might be
from analysing how its is used and changing their data collection/
surveying to address a previously unknown need (see our proposals on
public authoring and a 'public knowledge commons' in our recent Urban
Tapestries reports) or simply in terms of enabling non-commercial
uses that help them achieve their public service remit to reach
everyone, not just a few market segments. I think Roger offered some
interesting examples of this kind of 'reciprocity' back at the event
in April and it would not be hard to create some scenarios exploring
this. If we can link these back to the value chain analysis I think
we would have a powerful argument for the OS making data available
for free at some point in the near future.
Phil explained some more about OS licenses for the public sector
which I (and most public sector people I know) was unaware of -- such
as a Local Authority License similar to the Central Government
license. What is particularly of interest here is that schools are
included in the license and in theory have access to OS data (not
just maps). In practice most don't have the IT staff to access and
use the data, or the local authority doesn't have the capacity to
deliver the data, or it operates an internal market and charges the
school's budget for access. OS and BECTA are working on a scheme to
make access available to all schools to get around this issue. I
think there's some really big opportunities here for local mapping if
hackers are prepared to develop software that schools can use (we're
working on something like this with the Urban Tapestries software
platform and this was of great significance). I'd like to see how
this kind of licence for local authorities extends to organisations
like Tenant Management groups on council-owned housing estates and
other independent groups/communities whose remit is directly linked
to local authorities (again we're working with a tenant management
group on an estate in west London to help them plan their
regeneration strategy using Urban Tapestries).
Phil also offered some interesting insights into the problems of
government ownership and the lack of investment over the last 10-15
years. From the OS' point of view it seems that becoming a Trading
Fund has enabled them to embark on a big investment programme to
catch up with the competition. I get the impression that being
absorbed back into mainstream government is seen as a sure way to
continue the previous 15 years' lack of required investment and lose
the OS its leadership in GIS. In regard to NIMSA there is also the
impression that it will not continue after the present agreement
ends, or will do so in a much reduced state. On the subject of
percentage of revenue generated from all forms of public purse
sources he also estimated that it was now no more than 50% of all
monies received.
Giles Lane
2 Ormonde Mansions, 100A Southampton Row, London WC1B 4BJ
T: 020 7209 4042
M: 07711 069 569
W: http://proboscis.org.uk
On 25 Jul 2005, at 13:29, Roger Longhorn wrote:
> Jo,
> At 07:10 24/07/2005 -0700, you wrote:
>> I dug out the 1999 paper which the OS website quotes everywhere on
>> the
>> subject of how OS data 'underpins 100 billion worth of business' (for
>> which read, OS sell some data to companies which have throughput of
>> 75-125 billion between them)
>> http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/aboutus/reports/oxera/
> I have yet to find any government official in the UK or elsewhere
> who is impressed with this figure (when you talk to them privately,
> that is!). Especially among the departments or ministries who must
> provide funding for geospatial data collection at national or even
> local level. Sure, OS data *may* 'underpin' vast sums of 'business'
> - but then, so does the transport network, financial
> infrastructure, legal infrastructure, etc. One might as well say
> that the educational infrastructure underpins the same amount - or
> even more. A very impressive figure that doesn't mean much, in
> practice.
>> i was fascinated to see the Jamie Love connection in the citing of
>> government-collected spatial information as a "quasi-public good",
>> which appears in other papers that reference this one, e.g.
>> http://geoinfo.uneca.org/sdiafrica/Chap_HTML/07Financing.htm
>> thoughts:
>> - the ideas of non-excludability on which the definition of public
>> good is built don't seem to apply to digital goods. All digital
>> goods tend towards being quasi-private in the current IP climate
>> - if NIMSA funded data collection is clearly separable from other
>> geodata
>> collection, and *is* classified as a public good, then surely
>> public
>> access to that information should also be considered a public good?
> Unfortunately, I don't believe that the NIMSA funded data is or can
> be separated out, specifically, from all the data collected by OS
> GB. (But I could be wrong on that, since one use for NIMSA funding
> is supposed to be to pay for data collection in those geographic
> areas where there *is* no commercial market (hence precluding cost
> recovery), which implies very low demand from either government
> (including local) or business users (i.e. no sales value). Whether
> or not that would apply to 'citizens', I've never seen discussed
> elsewhere. NIMSA is also used for things that are supposed to help
> on a wider scale, e.g. the whole GIgateway, UK national portal for
> GI metadata, is funded from the NIMSA budget line.
>> i am not an economist, and the lingo is intermittently penetrable.
>> i thought the papers might catch someone's interest though.
> So many different meanings are often attached to "open data", "open
> source", "free software", "public good", "public domain" (which is
> actually a legal definition that is often misused) - that when we
> get into the realm of "quasi-public good" etc. - I give up! ;>)
> Roger
> ral at alum.mit.edu
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