[geo-discuss] Fw: RE: Information about INSPIRE second reading in plenary?

Jo Walsh jo at frot.org
Thu May 4 17:54:23 UTC 2006

The vote is scheduled for the 12-15 June session... this suggests that
amendments *are* still being accepted and that the last day for this
will be the 6th/7th of that month. 
The document that is mentioned below is archived at 

----- Forwarded message from BREPOELS Frieda ASSISTANT2 <fbrepoels-assistant2 at europarl.eu.int> -----

Subject: RE: Information about INSPIRE second reading in plenary?
From: "BREPOELS Frieda ASSISTANT2" <fbrepoels-assistant2 at europarl.eu.int>
To: "Jo Walsh" <jo at frot.org>
Good afternoon

The vote in plenary will take place in June (12-15/06), the amendments
have to be tabled usually before Tuesday/Wednesday in the week before
the vote.

Enclosed a draft version of the recommendation.
Many thanks for your efforts.

Best regards

Karlien De Turck

Medewerker Europarlementslid Frieda Brepoels (N-VA)

Assistant Member of the European Parliament Frieda Brepoels


Uw toekomst in Europa! 


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