[geo-discuss] Geodata in CKAN and collaboration (was Re: Responding to the consultation on opening Ordnance Survey's data)

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Sat Feb 6 13:32:37 UTC 2010

Just to follow this up:

  (i) If anyone is interested in joining a small informal group
focusing on CKAN's support for geodata and geospatially referenced
data - please drop me a line!
  (ii) Andrea, I think we discussed this before, but let me know if
you are interested in starting an Italian instance of CKAN (e.g.,
it.ckan.net). We are currently working on French, Canadian and German

All the best,


On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 6:20 AM, andrea giacomelli <pibinko at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jo -
> "long time, no mail", but it's good to see that geo-things have been going on.
> I like the idea you propose, also because I am also in the case where
> "I've talked with a few people recently about ways of bootstrapping
> collaboration on innovative geo stuff".
> Among others, I attended one of the CKAN IRC meetings (finally, after
> having been on the main CKAN list for a couple of years).
> I can't anticipate to what level we may be developing things from
> Italy, but I see that there is an interest to conduct some work. (I
> also found that other close geo-acquaintances of mine have entered the
> CKAN radar).
> We'll see where this takes us - surely we will have some news before
> Spring breaks.
> Un saluto
> Andrea Giacomelli
> http://www.pibinko.org
> 2010/1/24 Jo Walsh <jo at frot.org>:
>> dear all,
>> Apologies for the spam just now.
>> I realise I talked about closing this list down, it had its day etc.
>> I thought this might be worth circulating, though.
>> I've talked with a few people recently about ways of bootstrapping
>> collaboration on innovative geo stuff and improving the package metadata and
>> creating downloadable packages for entries on CKAN.net.
> ......>
>> I guess we could re-use this hibernating mailing list for it rather than
>> starting a new one and closing this one?!
>> be well,
>> jo
>> --
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Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

Twitter/Identica: jwyg

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