[humanities-dev] Textus updates

Tom Oinn tom.oinn at okfn.org
Tue Aug 14 17:31:32 UTC 2012

Hi Andrew,

On 14 August 2012 17:49, Andrew Magliozzi <andrew at finalsclub.org> wrote:
> Great work Tom. Out of curiosity, can users print sections of text with annotations?

Not planned for the current version, but the code contains the right
components for a printable view so that's something which could be
added in later. The API can pull all this information out and there
are utility functions in the client code which will format it, create
the coloured blocks, that kind of thing.

I've only really got until the end of the week to finish coding then
I'm off, if you'd like to see what we think we'll have at that point
the github issue tracker is at
https://github.com/okfn/textus/issues?milestone=1&state=open - feel
free to add new issues for features you'd like to see (this goes for
anyone), we'll be using this for any follow-on work including possible
things at the OKFest in Helsinki next month!

Tom Oinn
+44 (0) 20 8123 5142 or Skype ID 'tomoinn'

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