[iRail] Tomorrow meet-up in Brussels

Pieter Colpaert pieter.colpaert at gmail.com
Mon Dec 6 18:35:43 UTC 2010

Hi iRail people,

tomorrow at 7pm we'll be discussing and signing the papers (statuten)
for the NPO (vzw/asbl). If anyone of you want to be part of the
discussion and become a founding member (which is more or less only a
name) you're welcome to join us at the Hackerspace of Brussels (close to
Brussels North)


Apart from that we'll have a drink with the nice people from the space
and we'll discuss politics and future plans with iRail.

I'm very sorry for letting you know only today. The most important part
of this is the NPO finally being founded.


(already confirmed: Yeri Tiete, Chrisophe Versieux and I)

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