[iRail] Tomorrow meet-up in Brussels

Louis de Decker louisdedecker at gmail.com
Mon Dec 6 22:08:33 UTC 2010

hey guys

I'd like to take the occasion you're all there to also talk about the 
iPhone app issue tomorrow @ the hackerspace ... is this ok ?


Le 6/12/10 19:35, Pieter Colpaert a écrit :
> Hi iRail people,
> tomorrow at 7pm we'll be discussing and signing the papers (statuten)
> for the NPO (vzw/asbl). If anyone of you want to be part of the
> discussion and become a founding member (which is more or less only a
> name) you're welcome to join us at the Hackerspace of Brussels (close to
> Brussels North)
> http://hackerspace.be/Hackerspace_Brussels
> Apart from that we'll have a drink with the nice people from the space
> and we'll discuss politics and future plans with iRail.
> I'm very sorry for letting you know only today. The most important part
> of this is the NPO finally being founded.
> Pieter
> (already confirmed: Yeri Tiete, Chrisophe Versieux and I)
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