[iRail] Report Meeting 7/12/2010

Louis de Decker louisdedecker at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 11:49:23 UTC 2010

Hi Jan

the chat api is totally independent, as I started making it on my own. 
We discussed the matter with Pieter : the way I'm doing things is not 
open enough, so we decided we'd go for an opensource solution in the 
future, thus keeping using my light solution for starters. The idea is 
to test if people react to that feature or not, is it really worth 
putting all that effort in the chat ? (i hope so)
When this will happen I think it will be a separate api as this has 
nothing to do with the train schedules.

normally the app works on older versions, have you tried to install it 
on a pre 4.1 phone ? I don't know if the appstore prevents the app from 
being installed on a non 4.1 phone, gonna check that out.


Le 9/12/10 12:39, Jan Fabry a écrit :
> On 09 Dec 2010, at 12:28, Louis de Decker wrote:
>> I'll document the chat api asap (hope to get this done by this Wend max) so other developers can play with it.
> Do we want to include the chat functionality in the "core" API, or split it off? The same server could implement both APIs of course, but it would increase the burden on another implementor if they want to host the API for another country, and also have to host the chat stuff. Also, the chat functionality probably is not linked to train information, so we could have different iRail API providers for Belgium, The Netherlands, France, ... but all applications can use one shared chat provider, as long as they use unique train IDs to group the chats.
>> I activated the app in the appstore, and it is now available : itms://itunes.apple.com/us/app/betrains/id403631462?mt=8
>> (or by typing betrains in the appstore search box :))
> Argh, it requires iOS 4.1! Is that really necessary, or just a default setting that has not been changed? Don't let the 1st gen iPhone users out in the cold!
> Thanks for all the work,
> Jan Fabry
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