[iRail] Report Meeting 7/12/2010

Koen Delvaux delvauxkoen at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 12:16:42 UTC 2010

just an idea:

NMBS is starting a campaign with tradetracker today earning €0,5 / click.
You could include this in the irail app to get some revenue:

 Campagne start - NMBS Viral Game

09 december 2010

Beste koen delvaux,

De onderstaande campagne is per vandaag beschikbaar:

*NMBS Viral Game*

Met vriendelijke groet,

TradeTracker Belgium

Direct aanmelden<https://affiliate.tradetracker.com/affiliateCampaign/view/ID/3967>

Inloggen op uw account <https://affiliate.tradetracker.com/>
 Algemene informatie

*URL*: http://www.b-europe-game.be

*Merchant*: NMBS reizigers Internationaal

*Categorie*: Reizen en vakanties

*Start datum*: 09-12-2010

*Klik-naar-conversietijd*: 100 dagen

*Prepayment*: ja

*Speel mee met de NMBS wedstrijd en win een citytrip voor 2 personen naar
Parijs, Londen of Amsterdam!*

Neem nog *tot 24 december *deel aan de Eindejaarswedstrijd en maak kans op
een citytrip voor 2 personen naar één van de drie topbestemmingen van de
NMBS. Wat kan je winnen?

*- Uw treinreis heen en terug voor 2 personen met Thalys of Eurostar
- 2 overnachtingen in een hotel van minimum 3 sterren in Parijs, Londen of

Speel mee en win! Of laat uw bezoekers meedingen en ontvang *€ 0,50 per


@kodel <http://www.twitter.com/kodel>

2010/12/9 Jan Fabry <jan.fabry at monkeyman.be>

> On 09 Dec 2010, at 12:49, Louis de Decker wrote:
> > the chat api is totally independent, as I started making it on my own. We
> discussed the matter with Pieter : the way I'm doing things is not open
> enough, so we decided we'd go for an opensource solution in the future, thus
> keeping using my light solution for starters. The idea is to test if people
> react to that feature or not, is it really worth putting all that effort in
> the chat ? (i hope so)
> > When this will happen I think it will be a separate api as this has
> nothing to do with the train schedules.
> OK, I was just a bit confused because there is an "api/chat" directory in
> the iRail code. But it's empty, and will probably be removed soon?
> > normally the app works on older versions, have you tried to install it on
> a pre 4.1 phone ? I don't know if the appstore prevents the app from being
> installed on a non 4.1 phone, gonna check that out.
> I tried to install it on my 1st-gen iPhone with iOS 3.1.3, and got an error
> message "This application requires the iPhone 4.1 Software Update". I
> believe this is something you can choose. Of course, if you use iOS 4
> capabilities, it will not be easy to manage the version split.
> The BeTrains.com page should probably be updated to reflect the
> availability of the iPhone app?
> Jan
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