[iRail] API v1

Pieter Colpaert pieter.colpaert at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 00:51:55 UTC 2010


We are about to release the v1 milestone of the API. This means the
draft specification moved to:


We've got new functions:
 * vehicle/?id=BE.NMBS.P8080 : Search information about a train
 * liveboard/?station=... : Check the realtime departure or arrivals at
a station

We've got JSONP:
 * This means you can directly talk to the api trough javascript. This
comes in enormously handy for creating html5 webapps. Read about it on
the web!

The full API is online at http://dev.api.irail.be - Please test it
thoroughly and I want to see tickets at http://project.iRail.be!


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