[iRail] Volunteer coder

Jan Fabry jan.fabry at monkeyman.be
Sun Nov 21 21:01:38 UTC 2010


After an interesting encounter the day before yesterday with one of the guys behind openOV.nl in Ghent, my interest in iRail.be is aroused.

First of all: if you have PHP of Javascript tasks, I'm willing to volunteer. Do you have tasks that are not yet listed on the Trac, because most of them do not seem to be coding-related?

Currently my background is a bit different: I'm interested in collecting historical delay data, so that over time I can see "how many times did the train from Brussels to Hasselt, due to arrive at 17:00, have a delay?" I'm planning to do this on the Google Apps Engine, so that I don't have to worry too much about hosting, and also to experiment with the GAE and Python. This might grow into a second implementation of the API server, but that's not the primary goal.

I have many more questions about the scope of the iRail project, but those will have to wait for another moment.


Jan Fabry

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