[iRail] Knowing each mobile developper.

Tim Besard tim.besard at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 07:23:21 UTC 2010

2010/9/26 Yeri Tiete <yeri at tiete.be>:
> Heya,
> Ben Turner (http://twitter.com/ben_turner) should be working on an iPhone
> version of iRail. However, I haven't heard from him in a while. Care to
> update us, Ben ?
> On a different note,
> Tim, don't forget Monday it's Apps Marathon (http://www.appsmarathon.eu/).
> It would be awesome if you could make it. Katrien from Nokia is expecting me
> (and Pieter) there. And everyone else is welcome too, of course. Just sign
> up on the site, it's free !
Done, I'll be there!

> Christophe, Pieter told me you'll be there as well? Please confirm :) We
> have some discussion to finish about our brand naming (native client wise,
> and maybe name the iRail Mobile site like all the native apps as well) and
> we should register a common domain (.mobi-extention).
> Tim, could you also show me some of the progress you made already? Is it
> show-able to Nokia? Pre-alpha is just fine :) Katrien isn't expecting
> anything, but would be cool if we had something to showoff.
Sadly, no. I have only been looking at fetching and modelling the data
(which is hard enough already, it needs to support your €50 Symbian
phone as well), so no UI yet. I'll have a look this afternoon, maybe a
thin wrapper around the current model, but nothing final.

> As for the iRail mobile site, Pieter has been working a lot lately, and  we
> should have a final/working version by Tuesday (when Pieter & me are going
> to say hi to the NMBS!).
> All feedback and bug reports are very welcome (and don't hesitate to create
> tickets on project.irail.be).
> Christophe, I'll try to implement your stats summary request asap.
> Have a nice week-end,
> --
> Kind regards,
> Yeri Tiete
> yeri at tiete.be
> www.yeri.be
> +32 (0)474/61.01.39
> On 23 Sep 2010, at 22:09, Tim Besard wrote:
> Hi Christophe!
> I'm the co-developer of the Symbian (and Maemo!) application, so you
> can add me to the list.
> I'll edit the other answers below, inline.
> 2010/9/23 Christophe Versieux <christophe.versieux at gmail.com>:
> Hello all.
> I would just like to ask everybody a few questions about the work on the
> different Mobile clients for iRail.
> I have really no idea on who is working on what!
> So here is a little form that you may fill with all info you need.
> For people that I already know, I won't fill your email adress because if
> you have many accounts, I don't know which one you prefer to use with iRail.
> Feel free to fill it and reply with all the info, there are too much "?"
> You meet a lot of dev's on BarCamp and other meeting, so I cannot believe
> there are not more people in this list.
> Current Mobile OS supported:
> Android - BETrains => Christophe Versieux (Christophe.versieux at gmail.com)
> and Jan Vansteenlandt
> Future Mobile OS supported:
> iPhone: Louis de Decker and ?
> Symbian: Pieter Colpaert
> Main development is on Maemo richt now, but that should be
> cross-compatible with Symbian. And in a later stadium Meego as well!
> Bada: Johan ( Christophe schoolmate)
> Windows Mobile: -someone posted a screenshot with the beginning of an app
> that showed the closest station around you who whas that?-
> BlackBerry: - No info yet -
> Palm/WebOS: -No info Yet-
> General question
> * Are you working on your own client or would you like to work with me on an
> unified UI + application Name? - to be defined-
> I'll definitely support a unified user-interface and common
> application name, which is a very important "marketing point" IMO.
> However, I think the best way to realize such a unified GUI is to
> create a set of guidelines; as well as develop a set of resources to
> use (I'm thinking: icons, etc). So it'll still be our "own" client,
> but I guess this is what you had in mind already :)
> * Would you like to integrate the "chat" system to you OS?
> Sure, but it won't be a priority for me (maybe Pieter has more
> interest in this). Personally I think it would be better to focus on
> our current goals (being iRail, limited to what we discussed at 0x20
> last week), and make the extra functionality like the chat (and other
> things we discussed, such as other ways of public transport, or
> comparison between car and public transport, etc) a feature of the
> next project ("iTransport"? ^^).
> Tim
> Thank a lot for the info
> Cheers
> Christophe
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