[kforge-dev] broken db rebuild (access control role authorisation sequence)

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Aug 29 10:13:30 UTC 2006

John Bywater wrote:
> Yes, I'm not sure about my database. I can't remake it because all my 
> admin scripts are broken, I think, because of recent changes you made? 

I don't think it is all the admin scripts :) just db rebuild. In any 
case my apologies. There is a test for rebuild but it didn't pick this 
up for some reason.

> For example:
> $ ./bin/kforge-admin db rebuild
> Password:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "./bin/kforge-admin", line 5, in ?
>    kforge.cli.admin.UtilityRunner()
>  File "/home/john/kforged/lib/python/dm/cli/admin.py", line 276, in 
> __init__
>    status = self.runUtilityOnce(self.line)
>  File "/home/john/kforged/lib/python/dm/cli/admin.py", line 343, in 
> runUtilityOnce
>    status = utility.onecmd(line)
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/cmd.py", line 210, in onecmd
>    return func(arg)
>  File "/home/john/kforged/lib/python/dm/cli/admin.py", line 95, in do_db
>    self.takeDatabaseAction(actionName)
>  File "/home/john/kforged/lib/python/kforge/cli/admin.py", line 24, in 
> takeDatabaseAction
>    actionMethod()
>  File "/home/john/kforged/lib/python/dm/util/db.py", line 69, in rebuild
>    expectedError = 'database "%s" does not exist' % self.dbname
> AttributeError: 'Database' object has no attribute 'dbname'
> Could we fix this asap? (Can we idenitify a test for this error?)

It's fixed. In fact I fixed this sunday but didn't commit until this 
morning -- my apologies.



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