[kforge-dev] Support having individual virtual hosts for individual projects

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Jul 7 09:15:43 UTC 2006

I've just created this as trac ticket:20:


== The Issue ==

This comes from a conversation with JulianPriest?. It would be really 
nice if in addition to getting all the project services for a project, 
say shakespeare, at:


one could also specify that there was an associated virtual host, say 
openshakespeare.org, and then make all the project was also avaialable at:


This way as a project matures and gets it own domain name you can switch 
to it seemlessly (and all the set up of services such as svn/trac etc is 
taken care of). Furthermore where a project hadn't registered its own 
site one could put project stuff at:


like GForge/Sourceforge.

== The Solution ==

It should be fairly easy to implement the above by modifying the 
source:trunk/src/kforge/apache/apacheconfig.py module.

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