[kforge-dev] summary of planning meeting 2006-07-10

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Jul 11 11:18:41 UTC 2006

=== Next iteration ===

   * John Bywater will be allocating 2 weeks to this iteration.
   * Rufus Pollock will be allocating 1-2 weeks to this iteration.
   * Work will be on domainmodel and ckan.
   * We will be using trac to schedule work on these projects.

For domainmodel this is milestone1:


For ckan this is milestone2:


First priority will be domainmodel since everything else depends on this.

For CKAN there is still some work to reallocate (semi-)uncompleted items 
from milestone1 into milestone2 (or even milestone3).

=== Misc ===

1. url mapping sorted (routes/django url mapper)
   * not discussed and not of high priority at present
2. widgets for views
   * no need of these yet (wait until we have a real need)

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