[kforge-dev] more KForge uri_prefix problems

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Aug 23 09:41:03 UTC 2007

John Bywater wrote:
> So the problem is that when several KForge www configs are included in a 
> single virtual host, the directive 'PythonInterpreter 
> kforge_interpreter' guarantees a big mess.

I should have mentioned this before as I had already run into this 
problem on knowledgeforge.net and removed this directive. I hadn't 
committed the change as I wanted to see if any problems arose.

> I think we don't need this directive to be set by KForge. By default 
> different virtual hosts seem to have well separated Python interpreters, 
> even with the kforge_interpreter name directive.

Yes. I don't think I should have added it.

> With several KForge services stacked up in the same v. host, I need to 
> set 'PythonInterpPerDirective On' in the v. host config that includes 
> the various KForge www configs, and have it override the default 
> mod_python (for everything to run in a subinterpreter named after the 
> server name).

I don't think there is any need for it so, yes, let's remove it.

> I'll check, but I don't think this will interfere with Trac's 
> main_interpreter directive, as that just means 'run me in the first 
> interpreter, not any of the subinterpreters', and PythonInterpreter 
> directives override the default. All the PythonInterpPerDirective On 
> does is change the default to having one interpreter per directive, from 
> the 'default' default of one per v. host. So KForge gets an interpreter 
> per service, and Trac stays in the main interpreter.

Good point though usually the default (i.e. one interpreter per vhost) 
will be fine -- there aren't many people like yourself running multiple 
instances on the same vhost :)


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