[kforge-dev] Ticket #49 (enhancement closed): Improve dependency documentation

KForge: Timeline admin at okfn.org
Thu Jan 1 13:57:43 UTC 2009


> # think it should be worth mentionning thatsvn access is made through http/webdav (which means that libapache2-svn is required and that dav, dav_svn must be loaded ). 

DONE ([r1223][1]) 

> # for moin-moin, is the debian package moinmoin-common sufficient ? 

Answer is yes but I think this is not something that should explicitly be in docs (enough to say: install moinmoin) 

> # I also saw that for plugins, we mention that you have just to download and install a plugin. Ok, well but where do we get them ? ;-) 

DONE: documentation fixed in guide (see [r1252][2]) 

> # At install level, that the python-egenix-mxdatetime module is required and also the version of setuptools 

This is now fixed. rev 416 in domainmodel. 

   [1]: http://project.knowledgeforge.net/kforge/trac/changeset/1223 (Update docstrings for all the plugins to ensure they have proper  ...)
   [2]: http://project.knowledgeforge.net/kforge/trac/changeset/1252 ([docs][m]: improve docs particularly in regard to plugins and how they get  ...)

URL: http://project.knowledgeforge.net/kforge/trac/ticket/49#comment:2

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