[kforge-dev] Debian packages

John Bywater john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net
Wed Mar 25 15:54:13 UTC 2009

Hey Martin,

Rufus and I are preparing to release KForge 1.0 (and Domain Model 0.6) 
and wondered whether you would like to help with updating the Debian 
packages you kindly created last year?

The dependency on the SQLObject has now been improved; KForge is now 
compatible with a range of SQLObject versions, including the latest 
stable release (0.10.4), and the version shipped with Lenny (0.10.2).

KForge now works with both Django 1.0 (on Lenny) and Django 0.96 (on Etch).

Of course, if we can also support Ubuntu that would be wonderful, but I 
don't know what extra is involved.

Hope you've been keeping well.

Best wishes,


Martin Fuzzey wrote:
> Hi all,
> I now have first versions of the packages.
> For the moment they are on my server.
> To get the sources add
> deb-src http://www2.fuzzey.dynalias.net/debs etch main contrib non-free
> to your sources.list
> you can then do
> $sudo aptitude update
> $apt-get source domainmodel kforge
> To build them make sure you have devscripts installed and do
> $cd domainmodel-0.2
> $debuild -us -uc
> $cd ../kforge-0.14
> $debuild -us -uc
> This will build the binary packages
> To install them you will either need a local repository or use gdebi
> (which unfortunately has gtk dependencies on etch)
> If you are feeling lazy and trusting you can also add
> deb http://www2.fuzzey.dynalias.net/debs etch main contrib non-free
> and install my prebuilt binaries (at your own risk and peril!)
> There are still a few rough edges:
> * I'm not quite sure how to handle removing a plugin package while
> kforge instances still exist
> * There are a few lintian warnings (missing man files)
> * I still have trouble reloading the apache config file sometimes...
> The README.Debian attached to get an idea how it works.
> For the moment the packages only install on etch (with python-routes
> from backports as explained in the README.Debian)
> They build on etch and gutsy
> To install on gutsy / lenny will require fixing the dependency on the
> old SqlObject.
> Enjoy,
> Martin

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