[kforge-dev] Fwd: issues with trac service setup

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Jun 30 21:41:56 UTC 2010

> We do have an instance,
> http://knowledgeforge.net/project/bkn/

I'm surprised you were even able to create a trac as it normally
requires you to associate it with a svn or mercurial repo and you
don't have one set up ...

> which I setup june 14, but the trac service page,
> http://knowledgeforge.net/project/bkn/services/tracker/
>  reports,
> "Status: Waiting for repository, please update service."
> and the trac page,
> http://knowledgeforge.net/bkn/tracker
> shows,
> Internal Server Error
> TracError: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '/home/kforge/knowledgeforge.net/var/project_data/bkn/trac/569/VERSION'

OK, so what's happened is the trac system failed to setup (probably
because of issue discussed above) but the "service" in knowlegeforge
has been set up. This is a sort-of bug and we'll log it. (For future
reference, if you don't mind, please report knoweldgeforge issues to:

We have manually set up this service and it now works:



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