[kforge-user] [bug 0.14] Upgrade issue

Nicolas Steinmetz nsteinmetz at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 08:23:05 UTC 2007


I upgrade kforge with :

sudo easy_install --upgrade 

This part went fine.

Then I read upgrade notes and did :

nicos at vds305:~/kforge$ sudo kforge-admin --config=kforge.conf upgrade db
and it fails as "psql : commmand not found" (I use mysql). So ok you say 
"WARNING: this sql has been tested on postgres only ..." but you should 
provide update script for mysql too (or say that only postgres is 

I'm also curious why it's not 0.14 in :
              UPDATE system SET version = '0.13';

Can you provide a fix ?


PS : I was surprised to see that 0.14 was released whereas it was not 
mentionned on user list (we had only expected release date from John).
PPS : I'm on the way to write a PKGBUILD for ArchLinux to install kforge 
through pacman (arch's package manager)
Nicolas Steinmetz - http://www.unelectronlibre.info/

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