[kforge-user] Install problem on Ubuntu Server 7.04 AMD 64 bit

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Oct 22 16:51:54 UTC 2007

Tom Fillmore wrote:

> The problems arise when I run
> kforge-admin --config <path> data create
> kforge-admin --config <path> db init
> No matter what I've done the same errors occur:
>  data create : see contents of datacreateerrors.txt
>  db init: see contents of dbiniterrors.txt

It seems clear from those files that the config file you've created with 
kforge-makeconfig is not being picked up. To test this fire up a kforge 

$ kforge-admin --config <path-to-kforge.conf> shell

then do:

 >>> import kforge.soleInstance
 >>> a = kforge.soleInstance.application
 >>> for k in a.dictionary.keys(): print k
... should get a list of keys
 >>> a.dictionary['django.templates_dir']
... should print out the value you've set in your kforge.conf file

(details on kforge cli interface are in docs/cli_shell.txt).

Let us know what the result of this is and we'll go from there.


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