[kforge-user] Install problem on Ubuntu Server 7.04 AMD 64 bit

Tom Fillmore tfillmor at socalbahai.org
Mon Oct 22 00:11:09 UTC 2007

Hi, all  -

Kforge looks like just the right project for what I need to do, but I 
simply can't get it installed.  I'm a newbie to Django, but not to 
Python, Apache, or Linux.

I am running Ubuntu Server v7.04, 64 bit version, on a dual-core AMD 
machine.  I have followed the install instructions religiously but run 
into the same problems no matter what I do...

What's on my machine, relative to the install, is:
* Python 2.5.1
* Setuptools 0.6C7
* Django 0.95.1
* PIL (whatever the version is installed by Ubuntu Synaptic)
* sqlobject .7.9b2 (as installed by easy_install)
* MySQL v5

The problems arise when I run

kforge-admin --config <path> data create
kforge-admin --config <path> db init

No matter what I've done the same errors occur:
  data create : see contents of datacreateerrors.txt
  db init: see contents of dbiniterrors.txt

For reference I've attached a sanitized version of kforge.conf, 

Man, I am really stuck on this - my instincts tell me its a config issue 
but I've gone through it many times and it all seems right.  Could this 
perhaps be related to it being on a 64bit machine??? 

Anyway, all help is greatly appreciated!!!  8-)

Thanks in advance,

Tom Fillmore
southern California

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