[kforge-user] Installation issue

Capelle Maxime Maxime.Capelle at atosorigin.com
Thu Sep 20 13:02:33 UTC 2007

Hi again,

I'm currently playing with the system.
Creating, deleting users/projects and of course I have questions:

I read in the user documentation that I can avoid that visitor users
browse the projects by adding them to the projects with the role X.
I don't find this role X.

Then I created one project and I am trying to add some services like
trac and svn.
Firstly I'd got a error because of an error access to the
xxxx-kforge-generated.conf. Of course now it's fixed.
However when I clik on the link to access to the service
{project_name/service_name} I have got a 404 error.

Do I have to configure something more on my server?



Nicolas Steinmetz - http://www.unelectronlibre.info/

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