[knowledgeforge-user] Issues with svn and knowledgeforge

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Feb 23 19:00:38 UTC 2009

Dear Mark (and other users),

Thanks for the ping and sorry to not get back sooner.

We tend to not rush into the total system upgrades (KForge uses a lot
of packages many of which (e.g. trac) require per-service hand-run
upgrades). Knowing that this was urgent however, we suddenly thought
about using etch-backports to upgrade svn (we should really have
thought of this before).

Unfortunately having now performed the upgrade to svn 1.5.1 it seems
the problem has *not* gone away :( This suggests it may be something a
bit more subtle (and related to working of KForge auth/authz system).

We're going to take a look at this asap and hope to have a fix very
soon (it's not trivial to debug this problem because we need to have a
test instance of KForge running using the relevant apache/svn/etc
packages on which we can reliably getting a failing 'test'). Apologies
for any inconvenience and we hope to have this sorted soon.


2009/2/15 Mark Longair <mhl at pobox.com>:
> Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Thanks for this Anthony and this continues to a be a really
>> frustrating bug to track down. I still can't find any info on the web
>> that would actually help me fix this. One option is to upgrade the
>> server to use svn 1.5 and see whether that fixes things (we were
>> rather putting this off until debian lenny shipped).
>> Rufus
> Rufus,
> I see you've got your wish :)  Do you know when you're likely to
> be able to schedule this upgrade?
> many thanks,
> mark

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