[MyData & Open Data] Thoughts on the 'personal data & privacy' name/brand

Sally Deffor sally.deffor at okfn.org
Wed Oct 15 10:30:24 UTC 2014

Hi all,

As we now have the logo for the Working Group available to be used (see here
we are planning some promotional materials (fliers, stickers etc) to inform
others about the group and what we aim to do. However, we think it's a good
idea to revisit the use of the name 'personal data & privacy' and whether
is still an appropriate representative brand of what  we do actually a year
into its existence, given our objectives at the beginning.

Laura shared some interesting  thoughts on what she gets from that name,
especially since  'open' is not represented in the name. Personally, given
the broad range of issues I have seen folks engaging with in the group
(including myself), I would say that the name has taken on a broader
meaning that originally intended.

It would be really great to hear your thoughts on this.



*Sally DefforOpen Data & Privacy Project Coordinator | skype:deffor.selase
| @SDeffor | +44 (0)7774 734206 The **Open Knowledge Foundation*

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