[MyData & Open Data] WG updates_October

Sally Deffor sally.deffor at okfn.org
Fri Oct 17 14:47:42 UTC 2014

Hi all,
A couple of notices for your info. Open Notice was due to have a community
session at Mozfest 2014 but has postponed it to November 5. A few people
have already signed up to make presentations so do sign up here
you are able to participate. However, the Open Knowledge community meetup
is still on at Mozfest. It would be really great to see you all there so
pass by if you are at Mozfest this year (details here:*

Also, over the last two weeks, we had a number of privacy and personal
data-related events take place, including the engine room-led Responsible
Data Forum Budapest Sprint.  I'm sure Christopher will send the notes
around of what was discussed once it is finalized. They also had a book
sprint prior to ODC14 where the 'ways to practice responsible development
data' handbook was developed (yay!).  It is quite a useful resource and has
a catchy title too :-) so do check it out (here
and share in your networks (if you work in development).

At DownScale 2014 and Open Development Camp In Amsterdam, we had quite
lively discussions around privacy and internet security and also
responsible data from the development perspective, which was closed off
with an interesting keynote from Malavika Jayaram. See this blog post
for an overview.

Jenny Molloy of Open Knowledge is leading a couple of community sessions to
discuss how the work of the various WGs can be better integrated. There is
another one  tomorrow, so if this holds interest for you, stop by the
discussion pad here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/ok-meta-community or via IRC:
irc.freenode.org: #okfn (can join directly via webchat
http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=okfn ) if you want to discuss some

Finally, we still trying to get an understanding of  the WG name ‘personal
data &  privacy’ and how it resonates with people, so do let me know what
you think.

See you all at Mozfest or at the Open Notice session in November.




*Sally DefforOpen Data & Privacy Project Coordinator | skype:deffor.selase
| @SDeffor | +44 (0)7774 734206 The **Open Knowledge Foundation*

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