[od-discuss] definition clarification wrt password access

Markus Fiebig Markus.Fiebig at nilu.no
Fri Dec 20 12:08:35 UTC 2013

Dear open-definition list members,

being responsible for the WMO Global Atmosphere Watch World Data Centre for
Aerosol, I recently came across an interesting question concerning interpreting
the definition of open access. Suppose data was be available free of charge from
a website, but to get the data, you would need to apply for a username /
password account and log into the website to access the data - would that
qualify as open access?

Best regards,

Dr. Markus Fiebig

Dept. Atmospheric and Climate Research (ATMOS)
Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU)
P.O. Box 100
N-2027 Kjeller

Tel.: +47 6389-8235
Fax : +47 6389-8050
e-mail: Markus.Fiebig at nilu.no
skype: markus.fiebig

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