[od-discuss] Please review: 'Datenlizenz Deutschland' for OD compliance.

Daniel Dietrich daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Wed Jan 23 19:48:15 UTC 2013

Dear Lukasz,

thanks for the comments. In fact I think its NOT too late. The German OGD was schocket to see this izense text. I think it requires substancial changes to become a license that:

- make any sense as license at all
- be an open license, in compliance with the Open Definition

Just today members of Wikimedia DE, Creative Commons DE and OKFN DE have had a meet the people in charge at the Federal Ministry of the Interior so see how we can help to avoid the worst. 

On 23 Jan 2013, at 12:40, Lukasz Jachowicz wrote:

> Daniel,
> the license is a very interesting one. I'm wondering how the "Changes, editing, new designs or other amendments shall be marked with information in the source note about relevant changes" is going to be implemented - if someone is very strict about it, ANY change in source would have to be marked, therefore making the "changelog" impossible to browse or implement. In my opinion, the better solution would be asking the re-user of data to:
> 1. inform about the source of data (if someone wants to use original ones) and the date of most-recent data update.
> 2. inform IF any changes has been introduced to the dataset, so that the user of the secondary service would know that the data doesn't have to be as reliable as original one.

I think they should follow the path of creative commons on this issue. 

> Of course I know it's probably too late to introduce such changes, but still… ;-)
> By the way - do you have the clear definition what is the commercial use? It's a big question for me, where is the border between commercial and non-commercial re-use. The clear cases are easy (like: paid access versus the NGO-provided database without advertisement nor payments), but there is a grey zone of "blogs with advertisement" etc.

We also discussed this as critical.

I am looking forward for other comments from the group.


> Lukasz, 
> CentrumCyfrowe
> -- 
> On Jan 22, 2013, at 10:36 , Daniel Dietrich <daniel.dietrich at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> here are the actual license texts for the (soon be launched) open government data platform in Germany. 
>> There will be two licenses: a attribution-like and a attribution-non-commercial-like - the attribution being the default. Please note that this is the final version of the draft I shared with you before. [1]
>> I have pasted into a GDoc so we can comment on it:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i9na_ZRmEC-EkQBcvUvwUvevOaMA7pgUUNdgiFxf5B0/edit#
>> Now Dr. Gross from the German ministry of the interior responsible for the licenses is asking the OD Advisory Council for evaluation of the licenses for its compliance with the open definition.
>> Of course they understand that the non-commercial version is not an open license so we can focus on the attribution version.
>> I would very much appreciate if you all could have a look, please. Thanks. Maybe we could arrange a call on this in the next weeks? 
>> All the best
>> Daniel
>> 1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dk68bfuEp8eDsgIDBSZuQAr07_YWnbjvr8s5CEZ-q4o/edit
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: <MariaHelene.Gross at bmi.bund.de>
>>> Subject: Datenlizenz Deutschland
>>> Date: 22 January 2013 09:09:22 CET
>>> To: <daniel.dietrich at okfn.org>
>>> Cc: <JanOle.Beyer at bmi.bund.de>
>>> Lieber Herr Dietrich,
>>> anliegend übersende ich Ihnen die englische Fassung der Datenlizenzen
>>> Deutschland mit der Bitte, sie an das Advisory Board zur Prüfung
>>> weiterzuleiten.
>>> Ich gehe davon aus, dass die "Datenlizenz Deutschland Namensnennung" eine
>>> offene Lizenz ist, die "Datenlizenz Deutschland Namensnennung nicht
>>> kommerziell" dagegen nicht.
>>> Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung,
>>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen 
>>> Dr. Helene Groß 
>>> ___________________________ 
>>> Bundesministerium des Innern 
>>> Referat O 1 
>>> Telefon: 030/ 18  681-2324
>>> www.bmi.bund.de
>>> www.verwaltung-innovativ.de
>>> www.daten-deutschland.de
>> <130121_Data_Licence_Germany.docx>
>> --
>> Daniel Dietrich
>> Open Data evangelist; Open Knowledge Foundation
>> Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
>> www.okfn.org - www.opendefinition.org
>> www.ddie.me
>> twitter.com/ddie
>> +49 176 327 685 30
>> +49 30 57703666 0
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> -- 
> Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska
> http://centrumcyfrowe.pl
> @LukaszJachowicz

Daniel Dietrich
Open Data evangelist; Open Knowledge Foundation
Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
www.okfn.org - www.opendefinition.org

+49 176 327 685 30
+49 30 57703666 0

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