[od-discuss] OKD questions from 2010

Mike Linksvayer ml at gondwanaland.com
Sat Mar 2 23:31:29 UTC 2013

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:55 AM, Luis Villa <luis at tieguy.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
>> On 14 February 2013 16:31, Luis Villa <luis at tieguy.org> wrote:
>>> Sorry for lag, I've been on vacation.
>>> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Mike Linksvayer <ml at gondwanaland.com> wrote:
>>>> (one word change highlighted)
>>>> I do think reaching out to OSI again for feedback would make sense
>>>> before releasing a new OKD version, but I'll leave guidance on that to
>>>> Luis Villa.
>>> This is the first I've heard about it :) I'm happy to raise the issue
>>> with the board and with the licensing mailing lists. [I'm a board
>>> member and chair of the relevant committee, so I make sense to be the
>>> conduit- no need to go to Simon.]
>>> I'm not sure it makes sense for OSI to "adopt" OKD, as OSI doesn't (in
>>> my experience) have any mechanism or reason to *apply* the OKD, which
>>> (to me) is implied by adoption.
>> I think "adopt" is a misnomer. I think a better term might be
>> "endorse" or "recommend" in the context of data and content ...
>>> But perhaps something like a formal endorsement ("OSI supports and
>>> endorses use of the OKD when evaluating the openness of data...") and
>>> a link from the OSI website? Other suggestions about what adoption
>>> might mean/imply welcome, of course.
>> That seems a pretty good suggestion for what this would concretely mean :-)
> For what it is worth, I have begun this discussion with the OSI board.
> Despite that, any further suggestions about what an endorsement might
> mean are still welcome :)

FWIW, I brought this old thread up for purposes of gaining feedback,
not endorsement, but endorsement would be great and I imagine would
take form something like described above.

On that note, I don't think the OD AC, or far better, OKF generally,
explicitly endorses the OSD with respect to openness of software. Maye
that'd be a place to start.


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