[od-discuss] Italian Open Data licenses

Maurizio Napolitano maurizio.napolitano at okfn.org
Tue Nov 12 15:59:50 UTC 2013

I participated in the review process of the license IODL - Italian Open 
Data License (this is the exact name, it is not a translation) and I can 
say that these licenses are under the concept of the open definition.
The IODL 1.0 sounds like the CC-BY-SA.
The IODL 2.0 is instead a CC-BY.
Both seek to copy the concepts of the Open Data Commons licenses 
respectively ODbL and ODC-AL in respect of the italian law about 
database right and privacy issues.
Curiously, these licenses are not among the most popular in Italy, as can be
see from this infographic

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