[od-discuss] Great post on difficulty of actually using "open" data

Luis Villa luis at lu.is
Sun Oct 27 02:15:02 UTC 2013

On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Mike Linksvayer <ml at gondwanaland.com>wrote:

> > That's not a problem with copyleft, although writing and using too many
> > incompatible copyleft licenses is a problem.
> I agree, don't think the example demonstrates a problem with copyleft.
> It is barely pertinent. We could have same old debate about which
> effect would be greater: more use of copyleft would cause more of
> those non-open datasets to be opened, or more use of copyleft would
> make open datasets harder to use, less valuable. But it would be a
> hypothetical argument based on the example provided.

I raised copyleft because OSM, and in the near future many CC 4
gov't-created datasets, are some of the largest "open" datasets around. And
I'm quite comfortable saying that ODbL, and CC4, are going to cause a lot
of headaches when people try to use them in this sort of scenario. So no,
copyleft isn't mentioned in this particular blog post, but it is a very
real/non-hypothetical concern.

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