[od-discuss] OD AC Meeting starting now

Andrew Katz Andrew.Katz at moorcrofts.com
Thu Jun 12 16:41:49 UTC 2014

Hi all

Maybe it might help if I can take a step back and ask a couple more dumb questions:

1.       On the source/object dichotomy: I agree that this is dealt with in the definition of an open work. However, it should also be dealt with in the acceptable conditions section of the license definition: I would argue that it’s ok for a licence to be conditioned on the ‘object’ equivalent being distributed only if the ‘source’ is available: there are plenty of examples outside software where this is desirable, such as music production using DAWs, image production using GIMP (where the original file preserving the various graphic items and layers is much more useful than the .jpg output). GPL goes further and requires the provision of all the information needed to generate the object from the source (makefiles etc).  We would not want GPL to be excluded from this definition because it adds this additional condition.

2.       A point on the ‘convenient and modifiable form’: the US Constitution in JPEG form is great for a historian of 18th century lettering and script, but pretty useless to a someone who wants to analyse the text; the same document in ascii .txt format is great for the latter, but useless to the former. How do we reconcile this?



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