[od-discuss] OD v2 accepts Excel as OpenData?!???

Pierre Chrzanowski pierre.chrzanowski at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 18:02:01 UTC 2014

Thanks Aaron,

I understand perfectly your point that, as regard to ODV2, the use of Excel
is not sufficient to say it is not Open Data. I just disagree with it.

Why ? Because I think that the new political strategy / rational behind the
OD regarding format is wrong in the sense it does not take into account how
the OD is used by many of us, i.e as an advocacy tool, rather than a

All the best

On Fri Nov 07 2014 at 6:43:08 PM Aaron Wolf <wolftune at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not certain that that clause accepting data in non-open formats is
> *good*. I think this is a matter of practical concern and political
> strategy. I do not want to defend the use of Excel.
> I could be persuaded that the right political strategy is to retain the
> strict definition that only open formats are acceptable.
> However, "the Open Definition just becomes trash for any advocacy work to
> us now...." is complete hyberbole. You might as well say, "the only
> advocacy work we ever do or care about is regarding file formats."
> If you want to have a useful discussion about this, you'll need to accept
> the facts about the scope of this issue and not be completely irrational
> about it.
> Respectfully,
> Aaron
> --
> Aaron Wolf
> wolftune.com
> On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 9:34 AM, Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou <b.ooghe at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hey Aaron,
>> Just a brief reaction before taking more time to answer in the coming
>> days: the thing is this is a total game changer. Until now, according
>> to both OD v1 and the 8/10 principles, you could only say something
>> was OpenData if and only if it was under an open format. So this is a
>> complzete step back. Reread my first e-mail and the title : I totally
>> understood this doesn't say Excel is an open format, but it says
>> opendata can be under excel which so many of us have been exxplaining
>> the contray to officials, governments and so on. Clearly saying now
>> that OpenDefinition does not require open formats is just what
>> Microsoft has been advocating for in the past 2 years....
>> And the reason is simple: being able to open a file in LibreOffice
>> doesn't make it reusable, most of the time data under excel is filled
>> with presentation issues making the treatment impossible.
>> As expressed before, in the current situation, the Open Definition
>> just becomes trash for any advocacy work to us now....
>> Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou
>> On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 6:28 PM, Aaron Wolf <wolftune at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Pierre,
>> >
>> > You can still say that Excel format is not an open format and is not
>> ideal.
>> > And you can say that the Excel software itself is not Free/Libre/Open.
>> All
>> > these things are unchanged.
>> >
>> > The only thing you cannot say under ODv2 is "this is not open data
>> because
>> > you're publishing it in a closed format". And you know what? If the
>> data is
>> > actually totally usable in LibreOffice, then we're pretty much ok in
>> terms
>> > of access and freedoms with the data.
>> >
>> > "an open format (i.e., a format with a freely available published
>> > specification which places no restrictions, monetary or otherwise, upon
>> its
>> > use) or, at the very least, can be processed with at least one
>> > free/libre/open-source software tool."
>> >
>> > Says very clearly that the latter clause is only "at the very least"
>> and is
>> > not an "open format". So it does *not* say that Excel is fine and
>> > comparable. It just says that being in Excel format is not a sufficient
>> > problem to break the Open definition.
>> >
>> > I said this earlier: insisting otherwise would be like saying that
>> something
>> > isn't free software just because it runs on a proprietary OS. Sorry, but
>> > LibreOffice on Windows is still free software and open data in Excel
>> format
>> > openable with LibreOffice is still open data. Windows is still awful and
>> > proprietary and so is Excel format.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Aaron Wolf
>> > wolftune.com
>> >
>> > On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 7:48 AM, Pierre Chrzanowski
>> > <pierre.chrzanowski at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> A problem I see with this added rule is that it opens the Open
>> Definition
>> >> to interpretation on format, making it less clear, as exemplified by
>> this
>> >> discussion, and at the end, less powerful in regard to its objective
>> and
>> >> usefulness.
>> >>
>> >> Before, I could use the Open Definition as, let's say an authority
>> >> argument, alongside my explanation on why it is important to use open
>> format
>> >> - and it is ! - or use it to support people criticizing the use of
>> excel
>> >> format - on data.gov.uk for instance [1].
>> >>
>> >> But now I can't.
>> >> This is a major regression to me.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> [1]
>> >>
>> http://www.computerweekly.com/blogs/public-sector/2014/09/microsoft-gets-flack-over-rubb-8.html
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Fri Oct 31 2014 at 8:35:44 PM Aaron Wolf <wolftune at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Indeed, to summarize my points as clearly as possible:
>> >>>
>> >>> OD v2 does NOT *endorse* Excel format. Period.
>> >>>
>> >>> OD v2 *does* say that Excel format *if* shown to be *perfectly*
>> usable in
>> >>> LibreOffice is not so objectionable that the whole data set is no
>> longer
>> >>> considered to be "Open".
>> >>>
>> >>> There is *nothing* about OD v2 that says that the Excel format is
>> Open.
>> >>> We do NOT consider Excel to be an Open format! We remain *perfectly*
>> free to
>> >>> criticize people for using this clearly non-Open format.
>> >>>
>> >>> I disagree with those suggesting that *data* which meets all the OD v2
>> >>> details and is *fully* usable in LibreOffice is somehow not Open data
>> just
>> >>> because it is published in a non-Open format.
>> >>>
>> >>> That suggestion is comparable to saying that some software is not
>> >>> Free/Libre/Open software because it runs on Microsoft Windows.
>> Nothing about
>> >>> acknowledging the FLO nature of some Windows software implies that
>> Windows
>> >>> is FLO. Nothing about that acknowledgement implies that we endorse
>> software
>> >>> being Windows-only. There remains no good reason (and a lot of reasons
>> >>> against) denying FLO status to otherwise FLO software that runs on
>> Windows.
>> >>>
>> >>> State one more time: ODv2 does NOT say that Excel is an Open format.
>> It
>> >>> says only that *data* being in Excel format is not sufficient for the
>> *data*
>> >>> to lose status as being Open Data.
>> >>>
>> >>> I personally agree completely that we *want* all software to run on
>> >>> GNU/Linux (in fact, I would like all Windows software to die), and
>> that we
>> >>> want all data in Open formats. But if your software runs on Windows
>> or your
>> >>> data is in Excel, I still *prefer* that the software be FLO and the
>> data be
>> >>> Open, and that is feasible.
>> >>>
>> >>> I think the critiques against ODv2 in this case are based on the
>> >>> *erroneous* inference that ODv2 is saying that anything openable in
>> >>> LibreOffice is itself an Open format. It does not say that. It just
>> says
>> >>> that being in a proprietary format that is readily freeable doesn't
>> itself
>> >>> make the *data* non-Open.
>> >>>
>> >>> Respectfully,
>> >>> Aaron
>> >>>
>> >>> P.S. Maybe someone can take what turned out to be not-so-concise and
>> >>> highlight just the key bits of what I wrote above… sorry… :P
>> >>>
>> >>> --
>> >>> Aaron Wolf
>> >>> wolftune.com
>> >>>
>> >>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 8:11 AM, Rufus Pollock <
>> rufus.pollock at okfn.org>
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> On 31 October 2014 14:42, Brice Person <brice at ideeslibres.org>
>> wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Hi all,
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> I think a lot of Open Data activists around the world have been
>> basing
>> >>>>> their advocacy onto these *very* important rules from the V1 (my
>> case).
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I'd be interested to hear more here. Has a major piece of advocacy
>> >>>> around open data with specific governments been excel vs csv (or is
>> it about
>> >>>> csv vs pdf)?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> To be clear, I'm strongly in favour of open formats but as Aaron and
>> >>>> others have explained there is also a question of what we want the
>> >>>> definition and conception of open to be, in particular if our aim is
>> to
>> >>>> ensure that everyone has freedom to use, reuse and redistribute,
>> that seems
>> >>>> reasonably well provided for.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Besides, maybe some of them did not notice this important issue
>> while
>> >>>>> only being discussed on this list. Would it be possible to consult
>> more
>> >>>>> widely the opinion of the community on this ?
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Understood and we are discussing now :-)
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Rufus
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> If I could vote, I would agree to replace the "or" by an "and".
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Best regards,
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Brice Person
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Le 27/10/2014 21:56, Tangui Morlier a écrit :
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> The "Or" proposition is indeed really problematic. Considering this
>> >>>>>> part, as DRMs are accessible via reverse engineering through some
>> >>>>>> free/libre softwares, they are considered ok with the Open
>> >>>>>> Definition...
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Just relying on the courageous developers who took strong legal
>> risks
>> >>>>>> to
>> >>>>>> make those closed formats accessible within some free softwares
>> should
>> >>>>>> not be a sufficient argument to consider anything open : as a
>> >>>>>> reminder,
>> >>>>>> Microsoft sued developpers to have released the pieces of code to
>> read
>> >>>>>> Excel files
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> (<
>> http://www.computerworld.com/article/2545166/open-source-tools/microsoft--desperate---says-patent-complaint-target-openoffice-org.html
>> >)
>> >>>>>> or access Samba shared resources
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> (<
>> http://www.zdnet.com/microsofts-antitrust-offering-blocks-samba-3039202482/
>> >).
>> >>>>>> And it's not the only proprietary software company to do so.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> As nearly every proprietary format has been reversed engineered by
>> the
>> >>>>>> free software communities, keeping this clause has the consequence
>> of
>> >>>>>> including anything, whatever the format, as compatible with the
>> open
>> >>>>>> definition (when it respects the other conditions of the OD
>> course).
>> >>>>>> This consequences sound totally crazy to us all.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> We strongly advocate to change this problematic sentence. An easy
>> fix
>> >>>>>> to
>> >>>>>> solve the bug, if not removing the whole or and after part, could
>> be
>> >>>>>> to
>> >>>>>> simply replace the "or" with an "and".
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Tangui for Regards Citoyens
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Le 07/10/2014 18:42, Rufus Pollock a écrit :
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> On 7 October 2014 15:14, Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou <
>> b.ooghe at gmail.com
>> >>>>>>> <mailto:b.ooghe at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>      Hello there,
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>      I feel guilty for not having taken the time earlier to
>> >>>>>>> participate in
>> >>>>>>>      the drafting process but I was assuming the principles of the
>> >>>>>>> old v1
>> >>>>>>>      and the 10 principles would always keep in line. Although, I
>> >>>>>>> believe
>> >>>>>>>      it could have been nice before releasing anything to send the
>> >>>>>>> final
>> >>>>>>>      draft to the various okfn mailing-lists.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>      Although, just reading the first part of the v2, I'm really
>> >>>>>>> alarmed by
>> >>>>>>>      point 1.3 on the formats. The sentence ends with: open
>> format OR
>> >>>>>>> "at
>> >>>>>>>      the very least, can be processed with at least one
>> >>>>>>>      free/libre/open-source software tool"
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>      So basically, since you can open it within LibreOffice, data
>> in
>> >>>>>>> excel
>> >>>>>>>      formats will be considered as Open according to the
>> >>>>>>> OpenDefinition v2!
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Assuming that it is also: machine-readable, bulk and openly
>> licensed,
>> >>>>>>> then yes I think that is the current reading.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>      This is a real step backwards which sounds really in total
>> >>>>>>>      disagreement with everything that we all stand for and have
>> been
>> >>>>>>>      fighting for in the past few years, whether during the re-PSI
>> >>>>>>> debates
>> >>>>>>>      at the EU Parliament or in our respective countries.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> First off, let me say that I'm, personally, a very strong
>> supporter
>> >>>>>>> of
>> >>>>>>> open formats.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> The question here is:
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> - What should the Open Definition be setting as the standard -
>> e.g.
>> >>>>>>> if
>> >>>>>>> people can access data with free/open/libre tools and the data is
>> >>>>>>> machine-readable, bulk and openly licensed is that enough (for
>> >>>>>>> example,
>> >>>>>>> that would mean that anyone could immediately turn that data in a
>> >>>>>>> proprietary form into an open form)
>> >>>>>>> - Is the push for open (document) standards related to but
>> separate
>> >>>>>>> from
>> >>>>>>> the open definition?
>> >>>>>>> - Is the definition of the open format really that clear (and
>> does it
>> >>>>>>> really get enforced - e.g. there's a lot of "excel" open data out
>> >>>>>>> there
>> >>>>>>> from gov). Will it require us to provide a list of approved open
>> >>>>>>> formats? (If so can we do that?)
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> I should say my inclination now that this is highlighted - and I
>> >>>>>>> confess
>> >>>>>>> I somewhat passed over this during review - is that we should
>> remove
>> >>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>> "or" option but I'm trying to highlight reasons to think
>> carefully.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>      In such condition, I personnally (and I guess Regards
>> Citoyens
>> >>>>>>> as
>> >>>>>>>      well) won't be able to use the OD as a reference anymore or
>> only
>> >>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>>      v1, and probably get back to the good old 10 principles.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>      I must say I really do not understand how such a piece of
>> >>>>>>> sentence
>> >>>>>>>      could have appear there, it really looks a lot alike
>> Microsoft's
>> >>>>>>>      amendments when the EU Parliament was defining machine
>> readable
>> >>>>>>> and
>> >>>>>>>      reusable. I can only imagine this was a way to include all
>> those
>> >>>>>>>      official datasets published on national catalogs in Excel,
>> but
>> >>>>>>> if such
>> >>>>>>>      I believe we really do not want these to be considered as
>> >>>>>>> OpenData.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> That's good to make clear.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>      They are to the contrary our best advocacy examples to point
>> to
>> >>>>>>>      governments and make them understand why they have to switch
>> >>>>>>> from
>> >>>>>>>      formatted spreadsheet to actual data as csv. Including them
>> in
>> >>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>>      standards won't help anyone!
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> I think the point had been to try to capture the spirit was that
>> >>>>>>> people
>> >>>>>>> should have freedom to access and the existence of a
>> free/libre/open
>> >>>>>>> tool should allow that.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>      I can only hope this can still be changed and will be
>> towards a
>> >>>>>>>      v2.0.1. Hope I'm not the only one!
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Thanks for raising this important point and let's discuss this and
>> >>>>>>> revise if appropriate and agreed :-)
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Rufus
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>      Benjamin
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>      On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Rufus Pollock
>> >>>>>>>      <rufus.pollock at okfn.org <mailto:rufus.pollock at okfn.org>>
>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>      > Hi All,
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > The v2.0 announce has gone live as planned. Announce text
>> is
>> >>>>>>> below
>> >>>>>>>      if people
>> >>>>>>>      > want to forward and can also be found in "source" form near
>> >>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>>      top of the
>> >>>>>>>      > announce doc.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > In terms of online post, we have:
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > [Herb/Rufus/Susanne] PR + Open Knowledge Blog
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > [Tim] Creative Commons Blog
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > [Herb] Government of Canada Blog
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > [Andrew] World Bank Blog
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Let me know when you've posted and we can tweet etc.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > In terms of mailing lists we have a list at the top of the
>> >>>>>>>      announce doc. I'm
>> >>>>>>>      > crossing off the ones I've done so far.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Huge well done to everyone and bigs thanks, especially to
>> Mike
>> >>>>>>> and
>> >>>>>>>      Herb who
>> >>>>>>>      > have been the Chairs during this process and who have done
>> an
>> >>>>>>>      immense amount
>> >>>>>>>      > to get us to this point.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Regards,
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Rufus
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Online at:
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> http://blog.okfn.org/2014/10/07/open-definition-v2-0-released-major-update-of-essential-standard-for-open-data-and-open-content/
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > ANN: Open Definition v2.0 Released - Major Update of
>> Essential
>> >>>>>>>      Standard for
>> >>>>>>>      > Open Data and Open Content
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Today Open Knowledge and the Open Definition Advisory
>> Council
>> >>>>>>> are
>> >>>>>>>      pleased to
>> >>>>>>>      > announce the release of version 2.0 of the Open Definition.
>> >>>>>>> The
>> >>>>>>>      Definition
>> >>>>>>>      > “sets out principles that define openness in relation to
>> data
>> >>>>>>> and
>> >>>>>>>      content”
>> >>>>>>>      > and plays a key role in supporting the growing open data
>> >>>>>>> ecosystem.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Recent years have seen an explosion in the release of open
>> >>>>>>> data by
>> >>>>>>>      dozens of
>> >>>>>>>      > governments including the G8. Recent estimates by McKinsey
>> put
>> >>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>>      potential
>> >>>>>>>      > benefits of open data at over $1 trillion and others
>> estimates
>> >>>>>>> put
>> >>>>>>>      benefits
>> >>>>>>>      > at more than 1% of global GDP.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > However, these benefits are at significant risk both from
>> >>>>>>> quality
>> >>>>>>>      problems
>> >>>>>>>      > such as “open-washing” (non-open data being passed off as
>> >>>>>>> open)
>> >>>>>>>      and from
>> >>>>>>>      > fragmentation of the open data ecosystem due to
>> >>>>>>> incompatibility
>> >>>>>>>      between the
>> >>>>>>>      > growing number of “open” licenses.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > The Open Definition eliminates these risks and ensures we
>> >>>>>>> realize
>> >>>>>>>      the full
>> >>>>>>>      > benefits of open by  guaranteeing quality and preventing
>> >>>>>>>      incompatibility.
>> >>>>>>>      > See this recent post for more about why the Open
>> Definition is
>> >>>>>>> so
>> >>>>>>>      important.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Created in 2005, this new version of the Open Definition is
>> >>>>>>> the most
>> >>>>>>>      > significant revision in the Definition’s nearly ten-year
>> >>>>>>> history and
>> >>>>>>>      > reflects more than a year of discussion and consultation
>> with
>> >>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>>      community
>> >>>>>>>      > including input from experts involved in open data, open
>> >>>>>>> access, open
>> >>>>>>>      > culture, open education, open government, and open
>> source.  As
>> >>>>>>>      well as major
>> >>>>>>>      > revisions to the text there is a new process for reviewing
>> >>>>>>>      licenses which
>> >>>>>>>      > has been trialled with major governments including the UK.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > The Open Definition was published in 2005 by Open Knowledge
>> >>>>>>> and is
>> >>>>>>>      > maintained today by an expert Advisory Council. This new
>> >>>>>>> version
>> >>>>>>>      of the Open
>> >>>>>>>      > Definition is the most significant revision in the
>> >>>>>>> Definition’s nearly
>> >>>>>>>      > ten-year history.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > It reflects more than a year of discussion and consultation
>> >>>>>>> with the
>> >>>>>>>      > community including input from experts involved in open
>> data,
>> >>>>>>> open
>> >>>>>>>      access,
>> >>>>>>>      > open culture, open education, open government, and open
>> >>>>>>> source.
>> >>>>>>>      Whilst there
>> >>>>>>>      > are no changes to the core principles, the Definition has
>> been
>> >>>>>>>      completely
>> >>>>>>>      > reworked with a new structure and revised text as well as a
>> >>>>>>> new
>> >>>>>>>      process for
>> >>>>>>>      > reviewing licenses (which has been trialled with
>> governments
>> >>>>>>>      including the
>> >>>>>>>      > UK).
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Herb Lainchbury, Chair of the Open Definition Advisory
>> >>>>>>> Council, said:
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > ‘The Open Definition describes the principles that define
>> >>>>>>>      “openness” in
>> >>>>>>>      > relation to data and content, and is used to assess
>> whether a
>> >>>>>>>      particular
>> >>>>>>>      > licence meets that standard.  A key goal of this new
>> version
>> >>>>>>> is to
>> >>>>>>>      make it
>> >>>>>>>      > easier to assess whether the growing number of open
>> licenses
>> >>>>>>>      actually make
>> >>>>>>>      > the grade. The more we can increase everyone’s confidence
>> in
>> >>>>>>> their
>> >>>>>>>      use of
>> >>>>>>>      > open works,  the more they will be able to focus on
>> creating
>> >>>>>>> value
>> >>>>>>>      with open
>> >>>>>>>      > works.’
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Rufus Pollock, President and Founder of Open Knowledge
>> said:
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > ‘Since we created the Open Definition in 2005 it has
>> played a
>> >>>>>>> key
>> >>>>>>>      role in
>> >>>>>>>      > the growing open data and open content communities. It
>> acts as
>> >>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>>      ‘gold
>> >>>>>>>      > standard’ for open data and content guaranteeing quality
>> and
>> >>>>>>>      preventing
>> >>>>>>>      > incompatibility. As a standard, the Open Definition plays a
>> >>>>>>> key
>> >>>>>>>      role in
>> >>>>>>>      > underpinning the ‘open knowledge economy’ with a potential
>> >>>>>>> value
>> >>>>>>>      that runs
>> >>>>>>>      > into the hundreds of billions - or even trillions -
>> >>>>>>> worldwide.’
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > What’s New
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > In process for more than a year, the new version was
>> >>>>>>>      collaboratively and
>> >>>>>>>      > openly developed with input from experts involved in open
>> >>>>>>> access, open
>> >>>>>>>      > culture, open data, open education, open government, open
>> >>>>>>> source
>> >>>>>>>      and wiki
>> >>>>>>>      > communities. The new version of the definition:
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Has a complete rewrite of the core principles - preserving
>> >>>>>>> their
>> >>>>>>>      meaning but
>> >>>>>>>      > using simpler language and clarifying key aspects.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Introduces a clear separation of the definition of an open
>> >>>>>>> license
>> >>>>>>>      from an
>> >>>>>>>      > open work (with the latter depending on the former). This
>> not
>> >>>>>>> only
>> >>>>>>>      > simplifies the conceptual structure but provides a proper
>> >>>>>>>      definition of open
>> >>>>>>>      > license and makes it easier to “self-assess” licenses for
>> >>>>>>>      conformance with
>> >>>>>>>      > the Open Definition.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > The definition of an Open Work within the Open Definition
>> is
>> >>>>>>> now a
>> >>>>>>>      set of
>> >>>>>>>      > three key principles:
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Open License: The work must be available under an open
>> license
>> >>>>>>> (as
>> >>>>>>>      defined
>> >>>>>>>      > in the following section but this includes freedom to use,
>> >>>>>>> build
>> >>>>>>>      on, modify
>> >>>>>>>      > and share).
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Access: The work shall be available as a whole and at no
>> more
>> >>>>>>> than a
>> >>>>>>>      > reasonable one-time reproduction cost, preferably
>> downloadable
>> >>>>>>> via the
>> >>>>>>>      > Internet without charge
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Open Format: The work must be provided in a convenient and
>> >>>>>>>      modifiable form
>> >>>>>>>      > such that there are no unnecessary technological obstacles
>> to
>> >>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>>      > performance of the licensed rights. Specifically, data
>> should
>> >>>>>>> be
>> >>>>>>>      > machine-readable, available in bulk, and provided in an
>> open
>> >>>>>>>      format or, at
>> >>>>>>>      > the very least, can be processed with at least one
>> >>>>>>>      free/libre/open-source
>> >>>>>>>      > software tool.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > Includes improved license approval process to make it
>> easier
>> >>>>>>> for
>> >>>>>>>      license
>> >>>>>>>      > creators to check conformance of their license with the
>> Open
>> >>>>>>>      Definition and
>> >>>>>>>      > to encourage reuse of existing open licenses (rrareuse and
>> >>>>>>>      outlines the
>> >>>>>>>      > process for submitting a license so that it can be checked
>> for
>> >>>>>>>      conformance
>> >>>>>>>      > against the Open Definition.
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > More Information
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > For more information about the Open Definition including
>> the
>> >>>>>>>      updated version
>> >>>>>>>      > visit: http://opendefinition.org/
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > For background on why the Open Definition matters, read the
>> >>>>>>>      recent  article
>> >>>>>>>      > ‘Why the Open Definition Matters’
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      > _______________________________________________
>> >>>>>>>      > od-discuss mailing list
>> >>>>>>>      > od-discuss at lists.okfn.org <mailto:
>> od-discuss at lists.okfn.org>
>> >>>>>>>      > https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/od-discuss
>> >>>>>>>      > Unsubscribe:
>> https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/options/od-discuss
>> >>>>>>>      >
>> >>>>>>>      _______________________________________________
>> >>>>>>>      od-discuss mailing list
>> >>>>>>>      od-discuss at lists.okfn.org <mailto:od-discuss at lists.okfn.org>
>> >>>>>>>      https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/od-discuss
>> >>>>>>>      Unsubscribe:
>> https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/options/od-discuss
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> --
>> >>>>>>> *
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> **
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> ****
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> **Rufus Pollock**
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> **Founder and President | skype: rufuspollock | @rufuspollock
>> >>>>>>> <https://twitter.com/rufuspollock>**
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> **Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/>- s**ee how data can change
>> the
>> >>>>>>> world
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> ****http://okfn.org/| @okfn <http://twitter.com/OKFN>| Open
>> Knowledge
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>> >>>>>>> Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork>|  Blog
>> >>>>>>> <http://blog.okfn.org/>***
>> >>>>>>> _
>> >>>>>>> _
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> The Open Knowledge Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation.
>> It
>> >>>>>>> is
>> >>>>>>> incorporated in England & Wales as a company limited by guarantee,
>> >>>>>>> with
>> >>>>>>> company number 05133759.  VAT Registration № GB 984404989.
>> Registered
>> >>>>>>> office address: Open Knowledge Foundation, St John’s Innovation
>> >>>>>>> Centre,
>> >>>>>>> Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WS, UK.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
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>> >>>>>> od-discuss at lists.okfn.org
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>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> --
>> >>>>> @bjperson
>> >>>>> http://www.IdeesLibres.org
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> --
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Rufus Pollock
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Founder and President | skype: rufuspollock | @rufuspollock
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Open Knowledge - see how data can change the world
>> >>>>
>> >>>> http://okfn.org/ | @okfn | Open Knowledge on Facebook |  Blog
>> >>>>
>> >>>> The Open Knowledge Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation.  It
>> is
>> >>>> incorporated in England & Wales as a company limited by guarantee,
>> with
>> >>>> company number 05133759.  VAT Registration № GB 984404989.
>> Registered office
>> >>>> address: Open Knowledge Foundation, St John’s Innovation Centre,
>> Cowley
>> >>>> Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WS, UK.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
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>> >>>> od-discuss at lists.okfn.org
>> >>>> https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/od-discuss
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>> >>> od-discuss at lists.okfn.org
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