[odc-discuss] Allow more time: license is not for OSM data only

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Mar 11 09:16:56 UTC 2009

2009/3/10 MJ Ray <mjr at phonecoop.coop>:

> I've added news release(s) and invite people to the consultation to
> the wiki task list, but perhaps someone from ODC/OKFN could start the

Thanks that is a great idea. I've added the items I know about.

> list of who to invite by answering:
> 2. who has been invited to pay attention here so far?
> This question was dodged in the Mon Mar 9 11:57:40 GMT 2009 email and
> that's pretty discouraging.

I don't think the question was 'dodged' MJ :) (dodged implies
intentional evasion!).

To answer to the best of my knowledge:

Other than announcing on the blog we have sent this news to OSM but no
other *specific* communities.

This does not reflect any preference on our part: simply that

a) OSM have been the main group pushing for this license, giving
comments etc, over the last year. Also OSM is a large community and
posting there ensured that (most) groups working on open material, at
least in the geodata field, would know about the license and the
consultation period.

b) that ODC, with its limited resources, is not in the position to
sign up (or necessarily even know about) *at this stage* to all of the
relevant mailing lists etc and post there.

We would *welcome very much* the assistance from people on this list
-- or elsewhere -- in publicising the consultation to relevant
communities. I think I can also state pretty categorically, that while
we would wish to keep to a fairly tight schedule, should there be a
genuine need for an extension of the consultation period I am sure
that will happen.


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