[odc-discuss] Vote Raw Data Now at SXSW panelpicker - ends 27 August

Jordan S Hatcher jordan at opencontentlawyer.com
Thu Aug 19 10:16:11 UTC 2010

Announcement below -- voting ends 27 August

Vote for Raw Data Now on the SXSW panelpicker


Rufus Pollock and Jordan Hatcher of the Open Knowledge Foundation have submitted a proposal for a workshop highlighting the great work of the Open Knowledge Foundation, including Where Does My Money Go?, Open Shakespeare, CKAN, the Open Definition, and Open Data Commons (among many many more great projects!).

The panel will cover:

	• What legal rights apply to databases?
	• What tools are available to developers and data publishers involved in public sector data?
	• How do I encourage public sector institutions to release data?
	• If I'm in the public sector, what's the best way for me to release my data?
	• Why is open data different from open source or open content?


Voting is a key part of the SXSW selection process, so please vote for our panel.



Mr. Jordan S Hatcher, JD, LLM

More at: <http://www.jordanhatcher.com>
Co-founder:  <http://www.opendatacommons.org>
Open Knowledge: <http://www.okfn.org/>

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