[odc-discuss] version 1.1 of OdBL?
Jo Walsh
jo.walsh at ed.ac.uk
Fri Jul 16 11:16:51 UTC 2010
Jordan, thanks for all this.
I'll accept your advice on asking for a review of optionn including PDDL
and CC0 as well as ODbL.
ODbL has some appeal in cases where a researcher is reluctant to publish
data at all, where they may be some existing commercial licensing, and
there may be uncertainty as to the rights of the researcher to publish
the data that came from "grey" sources.
On the latter point there is little I can do. On the former point,
researcher concern is "anyone can take my work, build on it, i won't get
the credit and may lose the opportunity to be funded to further develop
the work".
Citation is key here and perhaps it's warped to think that ShareAlike
strengthens the cause of citation but that's how it seems to me.
i would write more but am jetlagged and overworked, how do you react to
this, i'm glad of your time.
On 16/07/2010 09:37, Jordan S Hatcher wrote:
> For research data, I suggest that inline with the recommendations in the Panton Principles and the Science Commons Open Access Data Protocol (for public domain for science data) that any legal review not concentrate on the ODbL but instead on the range of licensing options available. This would include paying special attention to our Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL) and CC0 by Creative Commons
> <http://pantonprinciples.org/>
> <http://sciencecommons.org/projects/publishing/open-access-data-protocol/>
> Apart from my personal opinions on the subject, Panton and the Science Commons work do reflect a desire by many in the sciences to go for a public domain approach.
>> It occurs to me that there may be a version 1.1 in the works.
>> Is this the case, will changes be significant, is there an overview?
>> Is now a bad time to expend lawyer brain energy on version 1.0?
> Like any open license, we're trying to keep track of any suggested changes for a 1.1 version, but no, there is no 1.1 in the works that would surpass the current license anytime soon.
> ~Jordan
>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/33110521/Open-Data-Licensing-for-Digital-Humanities - a quick one page trying to explain to researchers why they may like a ShareAlike license.
>> http://chalice.blogs.edina.ac.uk/ - the specific project, but i hope to get advice i can push around a lot of digital humanities projects.
>> cheers,
>> jo
>> --
>> Jo Walsh
>> Unlock places - http://unlock.edina.ac.uk/
>> phone: +44 (0)131 650 2973
>> skype: metazool
>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
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> Mr. Jordan S Hatcher, JD, LLM
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Jo Walsh
Unlock places - http://unlock.edina.ac.uk/
phone: +44 (0)131 650 2973
skype: metazool
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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