[odc-discuss] Ordnance Survey Data In Produced Works

Richard Fairhurst richard at systemeD.net
Fri Sep 17 12:01:37 UTC 2010

Rob Myers wrote:
> It is the second half of that requirement that I am curious about. Does
> the ODbL ensure that its notice from section 4.3 is maintained on
> every derivative/adaptation of every Produced Work? If so, what in the
> ODbL ensures this?

It's always been my understanding that 4.3's "You must include a notice 
associated with the Produced Work reasonably calculated to make any 
Person that uses, views, accesses, interacts with, or is otherwise 
exposed to the Produced Work" covers this, because "reasonably 
calculated" implies a downstream requirement. But I'm no expert and I'd 
also be interested in an ODC view.


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