[ogdcamp] Introduction from Tim Davies

Tim Davies tim at practicalparticipation.co.uk
Tue Aug 23 20:01:20 UTC 2011

Hello all,

I've just joined the Steering Group here at Jonathan's invite.

I work as a freelance researcher and facilitator around civic engagement and
open data. Right now I'm spending a lot of my time looking at open data in
international development, working part-time with Aid Info -
http://www.aidinfo.org (who have just joined as a partner for OGD Camp)
developing the AidInfoLabs platform and activities (
http://www.aidinfolabs.org), and working on projects exploring open data for
development eco-systems. Blogging on open data issues here:
http://www.practicalparticipation.co.uk/odi/ and wider tech/society/social
change here: http://www.timdavies.org.uk

Two possible satellite workshops for OGD Camp I'm trying to get organised,
most likely for the 22nd/23rd:

   - *Open Data for Development* - building on past workshops and providing
   a chance for OKF development working group members and others to spend time
   in discussion and workshops.

   - *Organisational Identifiers Workshop* - getting some shared ideas and
   actions around building frameworks to refer to a wide range of organisations
   (companies; charities; multilateral organisations; non-registered
   associations) within the web of data, to support projects like the
   International Aid Transparency Initiative to build more consistent data.

Anyone interested in getting involved in those do let me know. Hoping to get
details firmed up soon...


07834 856 303.

Co-director of Practical Participation:
Practical Participation Ltd is a registered company in England and Wales -
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