[ogdcamp] Workshop on licence choices within each country

Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou b.ooghe at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 10:33:24 UTC 2011

Hi Graeme

> Yes, I made detailed notes until my pen ran out towards the end!  I will review them against the list.

Great ! Could you put them ithin the collaborative notes here?

> P.S.
> I am at leweb.net in Paris next week - there was lots of beer involved in the conversation but....did you negotiate a free ticket in the end?
Lots of beer indeed, but ideas flying as well :)
Nope I didn't get any ticket or invitation to the crazy expensive
LeWeb (also the programme is not much exciting) and won't attend it
but I will be at PDF France the day before which will be a lot more
focused on OpenData than LeWeb (but probably in french though...) :
Maybe we'll meet over there ?


Regards Citoyens

> Best regards,
> Graeme Jones MBCS
> Lateral Thinking Project Manager
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/graemejonesiom
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