[ogdcamp] Workshop on licence choices within each country

jonesiom at manx.net jonesiom at manx.net
Wed Nov 30 10:07:32 UTC 2011

Hi Benjamin

> Also, during the discussion someone else was taking notes
> but I didn't get his name and I haven't seen these notes
> tweeted or such since.
> Does anybody know him and could aski him to fill in from
> his notes (maybe Paul Suijkerbuijk who cohosted the
> discussion?)

Yes, I made detailed notes until my pen ran out towards the end!  I will review them against the list.

I am at leweb.net in Paris next week - there was lots of beer involved in the conversation but....did you negotiate a free ticket in the end?

Best regards,
Graeme Jones MBCS
Lateral Thinking Project Manager

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