[ogdcamp] Satellite event suggestions? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Cornish, Lisa Lisa.Cornish at finance.gov.au
Fri Sep 16 04:16:01 UTC 2011

I am looking into what Australian can in regard to a satellite event for the Open Government Data Camp.

Can anyone provide me with details on what international events are occurring?  I am keen on doing something that fits properly into the aims and agenda of the camp.

Thanks in advance.

Lisa Cornish.

Lisa Cornish
Assistant Director, Gov 2.0 Strategy and Services
Australian Government Information Management Office
Department of Finance and Deregulation
P: (02) 6215 3887 | E: lisa.cornish at finance.gov.au<mailto:lisa.cornish at finance.gov.au>


Finance Australian Business Number (ABN):   61 970 632 495	 
Finance Web Site:   www.finance.gov.au	 


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