[ok-ox-discuss] Starting Open Knowledge Oxford...

Joseph Reeves iknowjoseph at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 13:18:00 UTC 2008

Hello everyone,

Geek night seemed to be a success although there was no mention of
Open Knowledge Oxford, at least not to me. The organisers of BarCamp
Oxford were there to discuss their event, however.

I'm keen on a meetup and fairly flexible with regard to dates,
although I would like to be on holiday towards the end of May, but
nothing has been arranged yet.

I think an Open Archaeology event would be very positive and would be
keen to work on it. What sort of format, content, structure did you
have in mind?

All the best,


On 24/04/2008, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  Just a quick note to ask what we should do to get Open Knowledge Oxford
>  going...
>  How did it go at the Geek night? Was there any mention of the meetups?
>  We should certainly invite JP Stacey to join this list, and circulate
>  the URL for the wiki page:
>    http://okfn.org/wiki/LocalGroups/OxfordGroup
>  I met a few people on Monday/Tuesday who expressed an interest in
>  getting involved in an open knowledge group in Oxford - so I'll follow
>  that up asap.
>  Perhaps we could have a first meetup on a week night sometime later in
>  May? Or is that a bad time? If we can get a range of dates we can have a
>  poll using doodle:
>    http://doodle.ch/main.html
>  Joseph: I also thought it could be interesting to have an event on open
>  archaeology. What do you think?
>  Warm regards,
>  Jonathan
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