[ok-edinburgh] Thanks for registering for Open Knowledge Edinburgh

Paola Di Maio paola.dimaio at strath.ac.uk
Sun Apr 18 12:01:52 UTC 2010

Hi Jo
thanks for getting in touch

yes - I put myself down for a snip

does Ok Scotland have a web page wiki? havent found a link on OK main website, have I missed it?
I presume there must be a signup to this list?

Look forward!

Paola Di Maio
DMEM,  Room 106
University of Strathclyde
75 Montrose St
Glasgow, G1 1XJ
t: +44(0) 141 548 4308
paola.dimaio at strath.ac.uk
From: Jo Walsh [jo.walsh at ed.ac.uk]
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 11:52 AM
To: Paola Di Maio
Cc: ok-edinburgh at lists.okfn.org
Subject: Thanks for registering for Open Knowledge Edinburgh

dear Paola,

Just saw your registration for Open Knowledge Edinburgh - thanks.
William Waites mentioned to me that you'd been in contact about setting
up a Linked Data outreach group in Scotland.

It would be great if you were up for giving a 5-10 minute talk about
your network and your plans.



Jo Walsh

Unlock places - http://unlock.edina.ac.uk/
phone: +44 (0)131 650 2973
skype: metazool

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