[ok-scotland] ScotGovCamp follow ups MEMO

Paola Di Maio paola.dimaio at gmail.com
Sun Aug 1 14:20:46 UTC 2010

---  apologies for cross posting ===

it was great to see some of you yesterday, intersecting from the various
related communities with the Gov crowd
especially those I had not yet met before

(feel free to forward any portion of this message to appropriate
people/mailing lists you think may be interested)

Just a very quick recap of a couple of points for future follow ups as I can
decode them from my crippled handwriting

- Nick Annanin works for the local Gov in Aberdeen and said he would like to
come to the next LOD meetup if we invite him
(presume who is organising it is going to remember to invite him?)

- TSO stationary office has a couple of LOD project in Scotland taking
shape, he would like to be invited to the next
LOD meetup too

 discussions relevant to work on this list

1. I have picked up a few cards and had a few chats.At least 3 people I have
spoken with have great possible
case studies where linked open data could be 'a solution' but they dont know
how to go about it. Great real world challenge

. As part of the linked data pilot under discussion, I plan to map at least
an in principle outline of the linking requirements of these three projects.
then open them up
for discussion as to whether they are good candidates for a pilot or not,
and if they are, how do we go about testing some data

. I am meeting the respective ppl in the next couple of weeks and we ll have
a starting point  for each soon

Nothing prevents others to explore the value of linking any other possible
data set, so lets continue to think of other possibilities at the same time

2. If anyone has come across any discussion which potentially represents a
good 'real' case study that can be used
as a pilot, please do the same (outline requirement, what needs to be done)
and discuss options, or please point me to these challenges

3.From a couple of conversations it appears that there could be some
capacity/availability from  senior academics with  good experience and
skills to
collaborate on some aspects of this pilot work, or anyting that emerges from
it,  subject to funding. So if anyone is aware of any funding opportunity
that any of this work could benefit from, lets not hesitate
to apply for it, the only thing we may have to agree on is how to split it

4. I d like to set up our local open data panel in Scotland, but received no
input nor guidance on this from the corresponding UK office

A couple of people I mentioned this to said they would be interested to be
on such panel. Any ideas how do we make it happen?

probably  more...

will be putting further thoughts together as they come up


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