[ok-scotland] Open Source, Geo and Health Workshop (#gecohealth) - 9th August 2011 in Edinburgh

Jo Walsh metazool at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 10:21:59 UTC 2011

This sounds great Nicola, thanks.

> And you can register here:
> http://open-geo-and-health.eventbrite.com/

Just saw your announcement of Repository Fringe as well, early August:

I hope both to be around then and to help put on an Open Scholarship
declaration hacking workshop / session...

Am also organising an Open Mapping workshop at the Electron Club in
Glasgow - this is firming up to be 19th July - helping people doing
open knowledge work get off of Google Maps into a more flexible world
of open source / data ... i will send the registration page around
when it's all together.

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