[ok-scotland] 2nd UK Ontology Network Meeting

Fiona McNeill f.j.mcneill at ed.ac.uk
Tue Feb 5 15:30:46 UTC 2013

Apologies for cross-posting

We are pleased to announce the 2nd UK Ontology Network Meeting, to be held
at University of Edinburgh on April 11th 2013 (http://dream.inf.ed.ac.uk

The theme of this meeting is *to understand how ontology development and
application are being used to address problems* in the UK. Amongst other
areas of interest, there will be a particular focus on creating and using *open
data*. The program and audience is intentionally very diverse; the aim is
to cover areas from many disciplines. We are particularly interested in
bringing together those creating and developing the technology with those
using the technology in industry, government and public organisations.

The workshop will largely follow the format of last year's successful 1st
meeting, held in Manchester (http://dream.inf.ed.ac.uk

Registration will be opening shortly.  We expect to charge a small fee to
cover catering.

The programme will be announced in due course.  Confirmed speakers at this
stage are:

Name Affiliation  John Callahan ONR Global  Alan Bundy University of
Edinburgh  Phil Barker Heriot-Watt University  Gill Hamilton National
Library of Scotland  Richard Gunn EPSRC  Enrico Motta Open University  Peter
Winstanley Scottish Government  Peter Murray-Rust Open Knowledge
Foundation  Edoardo
Pignotti University of Aberdeen  Frank van Harmelen VU, Amsterdam  Tom
Grahame BBC  Jeff Pan University of Aberdeen  Janice Watson NHS Scotland  Ewan
Klein University of Edinburgh  Robert Barr Open Data User Group; University
of Liverpool  Chris Mellish University of Aberdeen
We hope to see many of you in Edinburgh in April.  Please forward this
email to any individuals and mailing lists you think it might be of
interest to.

Many thanks,
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